Paul Ingbretson Talks about the “Concept” - No. 90

11 months ago

Ingres spoke of getting concepts in your eye and mind to draw well. This is a discussion of what im means to ‘get a concept,’ its importance, and its various applications when painting from life.

"Unless you have a concept of the thing fixed in your mind and eye you will just be pushing shapes around all day long."

“In consulting the model, observe the relationships of the sizes - this is what constitutes its character. Obtain a vivid impression of these size relationships and render them vividly. If instead you hesitate and start pushing them around the paper you will achieve nothing worthwhile. YOU MUST HAVE THE WHOLE FIGURE YOU WANT TO DRAW IN YOUR MIND AND EYE. The execution should be merely the preconceived image held in your mind."

“Have, in its entirety, in your soul, and in your eyes, the figure that you wish to represent, and let the execution be only the realization of this possessed and preconceived image.”

- Ingres

In response to Jas

QUESTION: How is conceptualizing as Ingres speaks of it used in painting or drawing?

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