the biggest red-pill intro

10 months ago

Muy poca gente en EE.UU. ha escuchado a Vladimir Putin. Y lo más preocupante para el conglomerado del gobierno-medios estadounidense, es que han presentado una imagen de Putin a la medida de sus necesidades, como suelen gacer con casi todo.
Y , sin embargo, Putin no es lo que ellos han vendido. Y no van a querer que la gente le escuche y piense... "pues es razonable".
Esta va a ser, seguramente, la gran píldora roja, la gota que colme el vaso de las continuas mentiras y manipulaciones de unas élites que tienen sus dias contados ya.
Demasiadas evidencias surgen por doquier y debajo de la alfombra ya no caben más historias si quieren seguir usándola para pisotear el libre albedrío de cientos de millones de personas que van a empezar a disfrutar de volver a saborear el placer de elabotat su propio juicio sobre los acontecimientos basándose en la verdad, pisando tierra finalmente.

Very few people in the US have listened to Vladimir Putin. And the most worrying thing for the US government-media conglomerate is that they have presented an image of Putin tailored to their needs, as they usually do with almost everything.
And yet, Putin is not what they have sold. And they're not going to want people to listen to him and think... "well, that's reasonable."
This is surely going to be the big red pill, the straw that breaks the camel's back of the continuous lies and manipulations of elites who have their days numbered already.
Too much evidence is emerging everywhere and under the carpet there is no more room for stories if they want to continue using it to trample on the free will of hundreds of millions of people who are going to start enjoying to savor the pleasure of elabotat their own judgment about events based on the truth, stepping on land finally.

Blacksheep on X:

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