Joy or Drama? War, C&X Virus, Finance? Natur & Soul-Language can help to thrive in Joy!

1 year ago

Use the power of the Soul Language - Light Language - Talking in tongues
With me, YOU can learn it!

“In the beginning was the Word” – this is already written in the Bible (John 1:1-4). But which word might that have been? In which language was it? Certainly not in German, Italian or English as we know it today. Rather, the assumption suggests that there is a primordial language in which all living beings, things and forces on earth and even beyond can communicate with each other. We also call this primal language soul language or light language. Everyone can learn it – after all, it is deeply rooted in us.

You may find it hard to imagine until you speak it for the first time: Through light language you feel a flow of divine light through your body. This light fills your whole being and radiates out from you. And this can have a healing effect: When speaking in soul language, you can release your own blockages, as well as those of your counterpart.
Understanding and mastering the language of light is instinctively anchored in us, we have merely unlearned this ability over the millennia because we have not used the language.

I help you to regain this ability.
Incredible "miracles" happen when it's used.
TRY and find out YOURSELF!

Customer feedback:
Learning light language is a very efficient way to solve energy problems:
*Work through traumas from the current life (e.g. childhood)
*Solve fears
*Relieve physical ailments
*Clean up karma from past life
*Eliminate foreign energies
*You can use the Light Language to cleanse yourself of all burdens and ailments that you cannot resolve with other methods.

Consciousness is above matter!
It´s all about Energie and Frequency (Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla)
I am happy to serve YOU!

All the best!
Michael König-Breuss

#michaelhealingamerica #MichaelSoullanguageHealing #michaelkonigbreuss #SoulLanguage #LightLanguage #speakingintongues #god #healing #thrive #success #newlife

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