2/6/24 we pray for prophetic understanding of events ❤️

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UK: Breaking News: King Charles Diagnosed With Cancer
February 6, 2024 Veronika West
“A Coronation — a King in waiting will be found wanting…”

“King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer and began treatment on Monday, Buckingham Palace says The Palace says the cancer was identified during the King’s recent hospital treatment for a benign enlarged prostate “A separate issue of concern was noted,” the Palace says, and “subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer” The Palace has not said what type of cancer the King has been diagnosed with.” ©BBC

God always stands over His Word to perform it!
A house built on sand will not stand! A Royal Throne not built upon stone, will surely fall!
This morning as I was sitting before The LORD, I suddenly heard these Words, ”Watch! A Coronation — a King in waiting will be found wanting!”
Then I saw Scales come up before me, and I could see what looked like a Royal Crown spinning violently above the Scales.
But then, suddenly I saw a large and very heavy Stone fall upon the right side of the Scales, and I heard these Words, ”Watch and Pray! For The Stone of Scone will fall upon the Scales, and a man weighed in the balance is found wanting!
For a kingdom divided could not stand.
Watch! As the strong Winds of My Spirit shall blow forth upon this land to Shake, Shift and Transform a Nation, and the house built on sand will not stand, and a Royal Throne not built upon Stone, will surely fall!
I say, Watch and Pray!
Set Watchmen on the walls of the city, for the Destiny of a Nation now hangs in the balance!”
As I heard those words, an old and strange song was quickened to me,
Well the Bible tells about a man
Who ruled Babylon and all it’s land
Around the city he built a wall
And declared that Babylon would never fall
He had concubines and wives
He called his Babylon “Paradise”
Upon his throne he drank and ate
But for Belshazzer it was getting late
For he was weighed in the balance and found wanting
His kingdom was divided, couldn’t stand
He was weighed in the balance and found wanting
His houses were built upon the sand
Well the people feast and drank their wine
And praised the false gods of his time
All holy things were scorned and mocked
Suddenly all their mocking stopped
On the wall there appeared a hand
Nothing else, there was no man
In blood the hand began to write
And Belshazzar couldn’t hide his fright
For he was weighed in the balance and found wanting
His kingdom was divided, couldn’t stand
He was weighed in the balance and found wanting
His houses were built upon the sand
Well no one around could understand
What was written by the mystic hand
Belshazzar tried but couldn’t find
A man who could give him piece of mind
Daniel the prophet, a man of God
He saw the writing on the wall in blood
Belshazzar asked him what it said
And Daniel turned to the wall and read
“My friend you’re weighed in the balance and found wanting
Your kingdom is divided, it can’t stand
You are weighed in the balance and found wanting
Your houses are built upon the sand”..!
“Belshazzar: by ©Johnny Cash

Prophetic Signs of a Greater Purification and Cleansing Coming to the United Kingdom!
The Rivers of His Glory Are Coming!

The Sunday Times Reports:
Prince Charles accepted £1m from family of Osama bin Laden
Prince had meeting at Clarence House — and seven-figure donation from Saudis followed.
1: See January 23, 2022 HKP Word, a Dream about the Queen and Divine Exposures and Cleansing:
“UK: A Dream About the Queen“
Furthermore, I believe that The Spirit of Truth, Righteousness and Justice is now moving mightily in our Nation to expose and uncover both ungodly practices and alliances that have been made both in the Royal House, the Church House and the Houses of our Government.
This is a divine move of God to bring a Cleansing and Purification to our land, it’s a supernatural work of preparation that is making way for the Rivers of His Glory that is coming to our Nation.
The Royal family will be not be spared from this divine undertaking of cleansing and purification, as we know it always starts at the top and flows down.”
The Royal Family will be rocked!
2: See January 20, 2020 HKP Word about a Divine Exposures Coming!
“A Word of Prophetic Warning for The UK“
(The following are my Notes from 19 November 2019 at 21:59.)
“This is a Word for The United Kingdom of Great Britain.
Pray for the Royal Family. Divine exposures are going to bring great shame and much upheaval in the coming days.
Then I saw the spirit of death will pass over.
This evening as I was sitting before The LORD, the [British] Royal Family was suddenly brought before me and I was shown the Queen and her sons.
Then I saw the face of Prince Andrew.
Now I cannot go into the fullness of what I was shown by The LORD, but I would ask for The Watchmen of The UK to be praying fervently for The Royal Family at this time and for what is going to be fully revealed, released and uncovered in the coming days ahead.
Then I saw the spirit of death pass over The Royal Family.
Pray for the Queen and the entire Royal Family.”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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