WHO Head: "Fake News, Lies And Conspiracy Theories" Threaten Pandemic Agreement

7 months ago

Panicked that the WHO Pandemic Agreement faces complete derailment, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus denies that countries will be required to "cede sovereignty to [the] WHO", or that the WHO will acquire "the power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries"—labelling such concerns "fake news, lies and conspiracy theories".

"There are those who claim that the Pandemic Agreement and IHR will cede sovereignty to [the] WHO, and give the WHO Secretariat the power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries... This is fake news, lies and conspiracy theories."

"We cannot allow this historic agreement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged by those who spread lies, either deliberately or unknowingly. We need your support to counter these lies by speaking up at home and telling your citizens that this agreement, and an amended IHR, will not and cannot cede sovereignty to [the] WHO."

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXhH-LzzIoE

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