David Lester Straight: NESARA-GESARA

7 months ago

David is speaking about the Cestui Que Vie Trusts (CQV Trusts). It was 1933 when the UK, USA etc etc all began with the Birth Certificate scam. Following the deliberate great depression of 1929 all countries whose Birth Certificates came on the back of it were made corporate vessels as our Birth Certificates were bonded by the central banks, I believe the IMF. As our respective countries were "bankrupt" the people were used as collateral that made us "chattel", Bonded Slaves. So as the media keep the bullshit black slave trade alive, completely ignoring the white slave trade, hiding the fact that the first American slave owner was a black man called Anthony Johnson, ignoring the US Slave traders were Khazarian (FALSE) Jews....people were distracted, divided by the fact that we were ALL bonded slaves by our Birth Certificates. So it would be wise to spend less time whining about reparations for blacks, given that the first slaves to America were white Irish folk, and use your time wisely by researching the CQV Trust and the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666. Do not rely on wikipedia, be your own researcher and work together, irrespective of skin colour.. jeez.


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