PEACE News & Views This Week ✌📰

1 year ago

This week on PEACE News & Views joint hosts Siir SteveO & Kim Cooper sit down with Jesse Lavoie from TobaGrown

Jesse is shining a light on a ban that denies Manitobans the right to grow cannabis for personal use. The Federal Government legalized recreational cannabis on October 17, 2018, including the right to grow up to 4 recreational cannabis plants in your own home. Manitoba and Quebec decided to not follow in the rest of Canada’s footsteps and prohibited their residents from growing personal recreational cannabis plants.

Manitoba took it one step further with a $2,542 fine for those caught growing. On September 3, 2019, Quebec Superior Court Justice Manon Lavoie ruled Quebec’s ban of home-grown cannabis for personal use was unconstitutional. This left Manitoba as the only Province unchallenged on this front, until now.

Jesse has teamed up with some of the top legal professionals in Canada and has filed a Constitutional Challenge against the Manitoba Government’s ban on home-grown recreational cannabis. Jesse has said "This ban has restricted my ability, and that of all Manitobans, to potentially save money by growing, responsibly storing, and consuming personal home-grown cannabis. I am prepared to take this case to the Supreme Court if needed"

Jesse has also launched a legal market initiative through TobaGrown he calls Toba Rolls. TobaRolls will be a 3 pack of pre-rolled joints. We sourced the flower for TobaRolls from a well-known Licensed Producer in British Columbia. TobaGrown is aiming to have TobaRolls on the shelves in Manitoba by the end of this February or early March.

Join Siir SteveO and Kim Cooper for their discussion with Jesse Lavoie from TobaGrown Cannabis this week on PEACE News & Views on NOK Network
Feb 7th 2024 at 8pm et.

#PEACEnewsandviews #NOKnetwork #WeedyWednesdays

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