The Expanse - Planetary Railgun Strike

4 months ago

All scenes from Season 3 Episode 3 "Assured Destruction" in relation to the Earth planetary railgun attack against the Martian stealth ballistic missile platforms.

The last scene of the actual railgun strike itself is heavily copyright protected and I was forced to edit this final part substantially to avoid the whole video being blocked. I hope this doesn't detract too much from one of the highlights of the first half of Season 3.

I think the build up scenes are compulsory viewing to see the skilful manipulation of 'Bobblehead' Sorrento-Gillis by Errinwright to commit to fire, as well as edifying the posture of Sorrento-Gillis in the last scene and the sequence in it's entirety. Absolutely fantastic stuff.

Taken from: Season 3 Episode 3 "Assured Destruction"

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