4 months ago

Happy Birthday to the late reggae legend Bob Marley.
He was born on February 6th, 1945, but there’s something we want to remember beyond his wonderful music.
The artist wanted a unified Africa. Even though he was born in Jamaica, he travelled to the continent with trips to Ethiopia, Kenya, Gabon and Zimbabwe. And he recognised all Africans scattered everywhere shared the same struggle. That is why he wrote songs like 'Africa Unite' and 'Zimbabwe.' His songs called for resistance, an end to injustice and exploitation, and a return to Africa. Africa, as he explains in this clip, is Heaven. Bob Marley passed away from skin cancer aged just 36 years old. But he remains the most internationally popular and beloved reggae artist ever and is revered by Pan-Africans worldwide.

Play your favourite Marley song today and tell us what it is in the comments 🤟🏾🎵❤️

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