EPIC Eclipse: A Cosmic Dance Caught in Color 🌒🌞

1 year ago

NASA's EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera) aboard NOAA's DSCOVR satellite doesn't just monitor Earth – it captures the cosmos in stunning color! On June 10, 2021, EPIC had a front-row seat to a celestial spectacle, the annular solar eclipse.

As the Moon gracefully positioned itself between the Sun and Earth, EPIC seized the opportunity to witness this cosmic dance. 🌍🌕🌞 During an annular eclipse, the Moon, appearing smaller than the Sun, creates a mesmerizing "ring of fire" effect as it partially obscures the solar disk.

While lucky viewers in parts of Canada, Greenland, and Russia experienced the full annular eclipse, others in locations like the Caribbean, Asia, Europe, eastern United States, Alaska, and northern Africa caught a glimpse of the partial solar eclipse – a celestial crescent etched against the cosmic canvas. EPIC, orbiting high above, didn't miss out on the show, delivering a mesmerizing view of the Moon's shadow dancing across our planet. 🌌📸 #EPICEclipse #SolarDance #CelestialShow

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