Article 4645 Video - International Public Notice: "Military" Disposal Centers By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4645 Video - International Public Notice: "Military" Disposal Centers - Monday, February 5, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

1. As if to underline the information provided to the United States Military, the Principals involved in undermining our Constitutions, the United Nations Organization, and the leaders of the various religious organizations involved in the ongoing debacle this morning, the attached "Disposal" lists of the CYM, Inc. Corporation shows the names and identities of American children "disposed of" by these gross criminals in 2021. This information is being re-published worldwide.

2. These "Dispositions" are related to the disposal of Municipal "citizens of the United States" deemed to be slaves in the undisclosed European Caste System, carried out under orders promoted by the British Parliament beginning with the Naval Agency and Distribution Act of 1864.

3. CYM, Inc. is a British Crown Corporation acting as a military subcontractor. Most of its operations have been carried out using mothballed United States Military Bases and Compounds as their base of operations. These facilities have been raided by American Law Enforcement Officers and Tribal Police.

4. If we ever needed proof of the criminal and mercenary nature of the corporations that have been masquerading as our government since 1863, here it is--- the lists of names of children snatched off our streets and from our daycares and schools, and there are similar lists of homeless people "disposed of".

5. We call upon the British Government(s), both White Hall and Westminster, to take voluntary disciplinary action against these corporations and dissolve them before we address the British Governments more directly and personally.

6. We have already exposed the facts to the highest ranks of the British Territorial Military: the so-called American Civil War was never a war by definition; the so-called Fourteenth Amendment was never ratified by our States or within our Constitutions -- the Fourteenth [By-Law] Amendment was made to a "Corporate Constitution" published in 1868, by the organizers of a Scottish Commercial Corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America"---Incorporated.

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