If anyone calls you an anti-vaxxer or a conspiracy theorist,

4 months ago

tell them to watch this video news report and remind them that there were NO excess deaths in children during 2020 when Covid was at its most virulent.
However, following the rollout of the experimental mRNA jabs (that are NOT traditional vaccines), excess deaths in children has surged to an astonishing 8 percent, whilst the health authorities, the regulators, big pharma and the mainstream media continue to try and cover up the evidence of their crimes against children.
Pfizer stated after their safety trials... 'There were no adverse events in our safety study with children', this news report exposes that this is a monumental lie which the statistics indicate has directly resulted in thousands of children around the world being killed by these jabs, to supposedly protect them against a disease which healthy children were always at zero risk from...
⚠️BREAKING: Weaponization Committee reveals Amazon censored books critical of COVID vaccines at request of Biden WH...
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment. I'm not here to get likes or even followers but very pleased if you do.
If you see that I have posted a false or incorrect content PLEASE let me know.
ThankQ, AlgorythemQ
PS I haven't monetized my channel yet but when I get to 500 followers I might...
Repeat a LIE often enough and it becomes ISRAEL.
“This country, America, has been around for over 240 years and we have never had one president who was assassinated by a person with no ties to the U.S. government.”
Just to get away from reality. Fantastic link.
Movie of the Week: February 5, 2024: Shot Dead.
Shot Dead is a thought-provoking documentary that shares unique insights into the heart-wrenching stories of families who have experienced profound loss after family members received a COVID-19 shot.

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