Wilson creates Conservatorship and Guardianship by fraud

4 months ago

We the People never granted authority to anyone to create and or implement "Conservatorship and Guardianship" to be implemented via
the Judiciary Committee under the Treasonous JUDICIARY ACT and nor is it a construction of law for the People by the People!
Probate is the administering of the dead,
Let the dead bury the dead,
as it is not Ours to touch.
Touch not the unclean thing.
The graven image is idolatry and I sure you I do not
believe in nor play games concerning fraud.
The American People are waking up to these frauds and facts
immemorial and recorded as fact upon the record.
Something must be done.
Criminals and their criminal enterprises, and their posterity will be held accountable. Restoration will come to pass, mark my words!

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