Blog & Mablog - As the Fighting Moderates Mount the Lone Bulwark | Doug Wilson

4 months ago

Blog & Mablog
Feb 5, 2024
As the Fighting Moderates Mount the Lone Bulwark | Doug Wilson
Last week I wrote a couple of pieces that stirred the pot in what I consider to be necessary ways. In the first, in my response to Alistair Begg, I used a couple of celebratory events that Christians could not attend in order to demonstrate how much more they should be unable to attend a trans wedding. The examples were a reception a man gave to introduce his girlfriend, for whom he ditched his wife of thirty years, and also the case of a man with a problematic alt-right web site that went big, and they were going to start up a print magazine, of the white nationalist sort, and you were invited to a grand opening barbecue. My answer was that of course you would not attend either one of these, but that the tranny reception was far more of an ethical debacle than the other two. All of them would be bad to celebrate, but you should make a point of not going to the tranny event, you know, like, five or six times.

This resulted in some murmuring on the Internet, and you all know how important it is that murmuring on the Internet be addressed. So I followed up with a piece critiquing the principle that is currently circulating among some conservative hard-liners, which is that of No Enemies to the Right (NETTR). I believe that our guiding principle should be that if God has enemies to my right, then I have a moral obligation to have enemies to my right. But I did grant a measure of wisdom to the NETTR impulse. We must not denounce anyone to our right simply because we are feeling emotional pressure from the screechers on the left, those who never cease demanding that we do so. They will not be mollified in any case, and so it is important never to try.

There are a number of important threads here, and so I ask you to stay with me.

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