Medical Collusion from the TOP DOWN - Scott Schara & Truth Seekers

5 months ago

Scott Schara is joining Truth Seekers once again tomorrow, speaking about the court case & more. We will be uploading it straight after on our Rumble account

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Scott is a nationally recognized expert commentator on the medical murder agenda in America, and the dangers of incentivized healthcare.

Scott’s research proves that this practice of medical murder is intentional—and by design. The father of Grace Schara, a 19-year-old with Down syndrome who was killed by St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Ascension Health), Scott is on a mission to spotlight the crimes of the American medical system.

He has shared his insights, research, and personal story through hundreds of television, radio, and podcast appearances, and also hosts his own show, “Deprogramming With Grace’s Dad,” which can be found on Rumble and on all major podcast platforms.

His work and story have been chronicled in a chapter of the Wall Street Journal Bestseller Rise of the Fourth Reich by Steve Deace and David Horowitz (Post Hill Press, 2023), and his writing has also appeared in Assault on the Image of God by David Fiorazo (Bowker, 2023).

His landmark lawsuit in the murder of his daughter, Scott Schara v. Ascension Health et al., is underway in Wisconsin Circuit Court, and will see a jury trial in November 2024.
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