‘MASS HAVOC’: Expert Warns of Threat from the CCP's ‘Cyber Bombs’

10 months ago

02/04/2024 Fox News: Chinese-American relations policy expert Lee Steinhauer pointed out that the cyber attack on the American infrastructures, like water system and power grid, would be a major act of war. “It's equivalent and has the same effect as if the CCP military had put actual bombs in our infrastructure and exploded them. We can retaliate for sure, but the CCP is growing their cyber capabilities in a very significant way. We're outnumbered about 50 to 1 on the cyber battlefield in terms of personnel. ”
02/04/2024 福克斯新闻:中美关系政策专家李·斯坦豪尔指出对美国供水系统、电网等所有关键基础设施的攻击是一场重大的战争行动。“这具有相当于中共军队将实物炸弹放置在我们的基础设施并引爆产生的后果。我们当然可以进行报复,但中共正在大力增强其网络战能力。我们在人员数量上处于严重劣势,美国与中共的网络战人员比例约为1:50。”

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