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136. Neuroplasticity in Motion: The Doctor's Guide to Brain-Based Healing
Dan Metcalfe
The brain damage was his gift. Dan studied the brain and its full potential. You cannot wait for someone less invested in you to make you better.
He teaches from the brain out, capitalizing on the fact that we are made to be extraordinary. We are made to heal. We are all brilliant in our own way and have miracles inside us waiting to happen. Brilliance comes from simplicity, where the magic comes to
light. He will challenge societal acceptances, make thought provoking statements, and reengage that excitement we had as kids where the future is brighter and we love ourselves and one another. Character is the key, and permission to stand out is given. Be
your best, be your brightest, be YOU.
Having created the nationally recognized life changing brand, 60uP, Dan also speaks in the bio-hacking and health communities and events. Having
trained tens of thousands of people back to living better from balance issues and fall risk fears, Dan’s system of brain to body training truly impacts the lives of everyone who hears his message. Thought provoking, based on research and science from neuroplasticity
to physical training, Dan will leave the audience with a great sense of self, purpose and why! The gift of training others is the gift we receive in our own life.
Dan’s passion as a Key Note Speaker is powerful and empowering. A feeling of “I can do anything”. But even more, seeds planted inside those amazing
brains we have, letting the audience have depth that will impact their lives, both at home and at work. Be a better, stronger and above all, happier person.
12:03:36 From Doris : Dan are you also going to speak on the Balance Board?
12:04:09 From Joel B Peterson : OOH RAA!
12:04:21 From Martha : Reacted to "Dan are you also goi..." with 👏
12:05:32 From Martha : Dancing
12:11:03 From Martha : The Heartmath Institute does that…
12:12:35 From Linda O : They did this with water -blessed one water, cursed the other and watered plants with them -the plant getting the blessed water thrived while the other was stubted,,
12:13:11 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Thoughts are energy
12:16:14 From Maura : Should it be distilled water ?
12:17:50 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Mineralized water - sodium, potassium, and magnesium
12:19:22 From Martha : Bruce Lipton – The Biology of Belief
12:19:56 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Dr Stark: Thank you for always contributing supporting information for those who want to dig deeper.
12:20:16 From Martha To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Thank you, Dr. Tom!
12:20:52 From Martha : Reacted to "Dr Stark: Thank you..." with ❤️
12:21:33 From Jeffrey : The more I research Kangen Water, the more I learn how it is one of the best waters that can penetrate all your cells.
12:22:07 From Jeffrey : Reacted to "Dr Stark: Thank you..." with ❤️
12:25:09 From Jeffrey : Pushes the oxygen into all the cells.
12:26:31 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Pushes the oxygen in…" with ❤️
12:26:34 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "The more I research …" with ❤️
12:26:42 From Martha : On Dan’s website (, he offers the 60uP Balance Board (system) for the Sale Price of $349 (reduced from $499). At the bottom of his website, there is also a statement – “Enjoy 10% Off + FREE Shipping.” I hope that means $314.10 (90% x $349) + FREE Shipping!
12:26:54 From Doris : YES! let's strengthen the core.
12:26:55 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "On Dan’s website (60…" with ❤️
12:27:13 From Doris : I saw that Martha. I hope he talks about it.
12:27:27 From Shoshanna : Reacted to "On Dan’s website (60..." with ❤️
12:27:32 From Shoshanna : Removed a ❤️ reaction from "On Dan’s website (60..."
12:28:05 From Joel B Peterson : I was driving in, and it was choppy, I only heard 1 Oxygen, 2 Hydration! 3 Sleep, what were the other’s.
12:28:28 From Rob : Anyone ever hear of this water filter that re-structures water and changes its vibrational frequency
12:28:32 From Rob :
12:29:23 From Jeffrey : 4. Nutrient
12:30:06 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "4. Nutrient" with ❤️
12:30:13 From Jeffrey : Not sure what 5 was Joel
12:30:34 From Martha : Rob – I have not heard of this particular product, but I certainly know about other – very impressive! – products that Eagle Research has developed. …products that are a lot about “energy”…
12:30:37 From Joel B Peterson : I’m gonna guess exercise:)
12:30:54 From Martha : oxygen, hydration, sleep, nutrition, exercise – the 5 “pillars” of health
12:31:08 From Doris : Oh, Dan is so right. I was an exercise freak and I tore my ligament in my knee. My Doctor told me to stop exercising for 6 weeks and then another 4 weeks. Then I was told that I needed to take it easy not to tear because I was too old to exercise like that. I should never had listen.
12:31:21 From - : Love made the list but I don’t think it was numbered.
12:31:24 From Joel B Peterson : Thank you Jeffrey and Martha! 😎🫡
12:31:32 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Love made the list b…" with ❤️
12:31:46 From Martha : oxygen, hydration, sleep, nutrition, exercise, and love – the 6 “pillars” of health!
12:31:58 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "oxygen, hydration, s…" with ❤️
12:32:00 From Jeffrey : Reacted to "Thank you Jeffrey an..." with 👍
12:32:30 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Oh, Dan is so right.…" with ❤️
12:32:38 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "oxygen, hydration, s…" with ❤️
12:32:53 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Rob – I have not hea…" with ❤️
12:33:41 From - : There is a training program which teaches seniors how to fall.
12:34:05 From - : Apparently every year it should be repeated.
12:34:24 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "There is a training …" with ❤️
12:34:41 From Martha : And if, more generally, you don’t “fail” at something every single day, then you are probably not optimizing your potential!! …Stronger at the broken places! Japanese adage – “Fall down seven times stand up eight!”
12:39:45 From Martha : In other words, if you don’t “fail” at something every single day, then you are probably not trying hard enough!!
12:40:17 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "And if, more general…" with ❤️
12:40:21 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Apparently every yea…" with ❤️
12:40:24 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "In other words, if y…" with ❤️
12:41:09 From iPhone : Replying to "The more I research …"
Any links to research? Other than their website haha- it seems like it still doesn’t beat spring water from a good source and structured water from food but if it was , would buy immediately
12:41:53 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Any links to researc…" with ❤️
12:42:16 From Martha : Donald Hebb – (Hebbian Postulate) – Neurons that fire together, wire together!
12:42:34 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Donald Hebb – (Hebbi…" with ❤️
12:43:44 From Martha : When you come to a fork in the road, take it! Yogi Berra
12:43:53 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "When you come to a f…" with ❤️
12:44:09 From Joel B Peterson : Likewise!
12:44:52 From Jeffrey : “There is NO such thing as FAILURE, only LEARNING” - Tony Robbins
12:45:03 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "“There is NO such th…" with ❤️
12:45:29 From Martha : Reacted to "“There is NO such th..." with ❤️
12:45:38 From Rob : Ultimately what we are all looking for is love and connection.
12:47:55 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Amen Rob - It’s Biblical
12:48:05 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Ultimately what we a…" with ❤️
12:48:09 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Amen Rob - It’s Bibl…" with ❤️
12:48:18 From Rob : Reacted to "Amen Rob - It’s Bibl…" with ❤️
12:48:20 From Martha : Reacted to "Amen Rob - It’s Bibl..." with 👍
12:48:34 From Joel B Peterson : 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
12:50:09 From Martha : Dan, you have an amazing mom!!
12:51:03 From - : Was the old teaching that brain cells do not regenerate a psychological operation? No one at their core REALLY ever believed that, which is why it had to be “taught”.
12:51:58 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Was the old teaching…" with ❤️
12:52:10 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Dan, you have an ama…" with ❤️
12:52:50 From - : What about reports of people who are missing large portions of their bran tissue / structure who seem to have full capacity? Incredible reports.
12:53:11 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "What about reports o…" with ❤️
12:54:42 From Martha : According to research being done at the Cleveland Clinic (Ranganathan et al. 2004), participants were able to strengthen muscles just by visualizing physical movement!
12:55:13 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "According to researc…" with ❤️
12:55:41 From Martha : One study demonstrated that if subjects wanting to master a particular skill were simply to visualize mastery of it, then they would be able to decrease by 50% the number of actual practice hours required!
12:56:59 From - : Can we discuss LIGHT and Energy — Dr. Lewis’ favorite topics.
12:57:41 From Martha : Replying to "Can we discuss LIGHT..."
plus the ESR number!
12:58:33 From Dr. Tom Lewis : ESR is about hydration and minerals!
13:01:00 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Brain status - qeeg is an example of brain measurement
13:01:26 From Dr. Tom Lewis : We run a program called CNS vital signs - multiple brain measurements.
13:01:41 From Martha : Forced Expiratory Volume measures how much air a person can exhale during a forced breath – FEV1 (the amount exhaled in one second) is an incredibly important indicator of longevity!!
13:02:08 From - : YEESSS. When new information comes and it’s better let’s all please just support it. I am all for decentralization so there are benefits to having more than one resource, but let’s keep moving forward and stop protecting the profit share.
13:02:48 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "One study demonstrat…" with ❤️
13:02:50 From - : Which is why I felt so at home with this community. Very supportive and not afraid to disappoint our favorite people, products, ideas, etc.
13:02:50 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Can we discuss LIGHT…" with ❤️
13:02:56 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "ESR is about hydrati…" with ❤️
13:02:58 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "ANY WAY TO TEST YOUR…" with ❤️
13:03:02 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Brain status - qeeg …" with ❤️
13:03:07 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "We run a program cal…" with ❤️
13:03:10 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Forced Expiratory Vo…" with ❤️
13:03:10 From Martha : Reacted to "Which is why I felt ..." with ❤️
13:03:12 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "YEESSS. When new inf…" with ❤️
13:03:57 From Martha : trailblazers / avant garde / forward-thinking / cutting edge / innovative!
13:05:49 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "trailblazers / avant…" with ❤️
13:07:45 From mira : You got me @ the counting !
13:08:35 From Martha : Brilliant!
13:09:07 From - : Older farmers just seem to maintain their “wits” and capacity longer, especially where appropriate toxin-free or low-toxin pesticide management is exercised. City dwellers who garden as well.
13:09:32 From Joel B Peterson : I can’t wait to watch the replay with My 78 year old Dad, who has been developing balance issues! Thank you all so much, priceless! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🫡🫡🫡
13:10:06 From Martha : Walking without vision results in veering, an inability to maintain a straight path, which has important consequences for blind pedestrians.
13:10:22 From - : PLEASE PLACE THE re-play as soon as possible.
13:10:26 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "You got me @ the cou…" with ❤️
13:10:29 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Brilliant!" with ❤️
13:10:33 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Older farmers just s…" with ❤️
13:10:40 From Maura : Reacted to "Walking without visi…" with 👍
13:10:42 From Martha : Please “make him” tell us what the discount is so that we can move forward with a purchase!!
13:10:44 From May : Can this help retrain the vision?
13:10:49 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Walking without visi…" with ❤️
13:11:00 From Maura : Reacted to "Can this help retrai…" with 👍
13:12:26 From Martha : Doris – Can you help us out here? …”make him” tell us the discount!
13:12:36 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Doris – Can you help…" with ❤️
13:12:43 From Deborah Reimer : Reacted to "Doris – Can you help…" with ❤️
13:12:43 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "PLEASE PLACE THE re-…" with ❤️
13:12:52 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Please “make him” te…" with ❤️
13:12:54 From - : How does sound affect this phenomena? Can we switch to “seeing” with our eyes when our physical eyes will be a deterrent?
13:12:54 From Doris To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : When can we THE REOPLAY OF THIS
13:13:00 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "How does sound affec…" with ❤️
13:13:05 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Can this help retrai…" with ❤️
13:13:27 From Doris To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : when CAN WE watch this session again?
13:13:45 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Ok, ok - I will publish today on Rumble. You win Doris et. Al.
13:13:52 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Ok, ok - I will publ…" with ❤️
13:14:00 From Martha : Dr. Tom – please “make him” tell us the discount!
13:14:08 From Joel B Peterson : Yeaaaa, we all win:)
13:14:10 From Maura : Reacted to "Ok, ok - I will publ…" with ❤️
13:14:20 From Doris : Thank you for the replay
13:14:30 From Doris : And his contact info
13:14:35 From - : Dr. Stark…therapy sessions while on the board?
13:14:36 From Dan - The Miracle Within :
13:15:11 From Martha : Replying to "Dr. Stark…therapy se..."
Now THAT’S a thought!!
13:15:22 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Dr. Stark…therapy se…" with ❤️
13:15:24 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Now THAT’S a thought…" with ❤️
13:15:29 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "" with ❤️
13:15:34 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Dr. Tom – please “ma…" with ❤️
13:15:38 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Yeaaaa, we all win:)" with ❤️
13:15:40 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Thank you for the re…" with ❤️
13:15:43 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "And his contact info" with ❤️
13:16:05 From iPhone : Reacted to "Any links to researc…" with ❤️
13:16:30 From - : I have a cardiologist in mind who loves these types of things. He does cardio during his patient office visits.
13:16:40 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "I have a cardiologis…" with ❤️
13:17:13 From Martha : Thank you!
13:18:00 From iPhone : Reacted to "YEESSS. When new inf…" with ❤️
13:18:02 From iPhone : Reacted to "Which is why I felt …" with ❤️
13:18:22 From iPhone : Reacted to "Can this help retrai…" with ❤️
13:19:29 From Martha : DR. Tom – Can you do that on YOUR bicycle?
13:19:51 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Thank you!" with ❤️
13:19:55 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Ugh - no - but working on it!
13:19:55 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "DR. Tom – Can you do…" with 😂
13:19:59 From iPhone : Replying to "DR. Tom – Can you do…"
We want video evidence to support it
13:20:00 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Ugh - no - but worki…" with 😂
13:20:01 From Martha : Replying to "Ugh - no - but worki..."
13:20:32 From Dr. Tom Lewis : My goal…
13:20:33 From Dr. Tom Lewis :
13:21:02 From Martha : Wow!!
13:21:14 From - : Agenda — Stamping out or warrior and our fight.
13:21:32 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "My goal…" with ❤️
13:21:36 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Wow!!" with ❤️
13:21:42 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Agenda — Stamping ou…" with ❤️
13:22:25 From - To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Confession: My nickname for you is “frat” for fraternity
13:22:30 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I have lousy balance - ugh - think it is due to my ears - born with weak right ear… I think hearing balance has impact on balance.
13:22:42 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "I have lousy balance…" with ❤️
13:22:46 From mira : Youve inspired me to set up the mini trampoline I bought on black Friday :)
13:23:02 From Martha : I do not have great balance either – …and sometimes it affects my dancing… – sigh!
13:23:14 From - : Dr. Lewis. You LOVE your ears!!
13:23:27 From Doris : I have not been on my mini trampoline in a while. I hope to use it again.
13:23:38 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Dr. Lewis. You LOVE …" with ❤️
13:23:45 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I just got my daughter a jump rope to help with her skiing / balance.
13:23:45 From - : We owe so much to you and your ears.
13:23:45 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "I have not been on m…" with ❤️
13:24:00 From Dr. Tom Lewis : If “frat” a positive.
13:24:16 From mira : Reacted to I have not been on m... with "👍"
13:24:25 From Martha : Replying to "We owe so much to yo..."
…and your brain and your mouth
13:24:35 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "We owe so much to yo…" with ❤️
13:24:37 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "…and your brain and …" with ❤️
13:24:39 From - To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Ask Dr. Carter what it means.
13:24:49 From Dr. Tom Lewis To -(privately) : ok
13:25:26 From Shawn Stokes : What was the product called, again?
13:25:35 From - To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : I was thinking about how using light therapy, and energy interventions while using the board. Brain tap, etc.
13:25:36 From Dr. Tom Lewis To -(privately) : braintap
13:25:36 From Martha : BrainTap
13:25:57 From Dr. Tom Lewis To -(privately) : I agree - sunlight - light therapy
13:26:05 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "BrainTap" with ❤️
13:26:08 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "What was the product…" with ❤️
13:26:12 From - : I was thinking about how using light therapy, intranasal, and energy interventions while using the board. Brain tap, etc.
13:26:22 From Martha : Replying to "BrainTap"
light and sound
13:26:28 From Maura : Reacted to "I just got my daught…" with 👍
13:26:31 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "light and sound" with ❤️
13:26:42 From Shawn Stokes : Okay, thanks.☺️
13:26:55 From Frank : BrainHQ is a website to train brain in sped ans memory.
13:26:57 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Okay, thanks.☺️" with ❤️
13:27:56 From Martha : I have done BrainHQ – a lot of fun and affordable – but for me, not particularly “impactful” in the long run…
13:28:09 From Dan - The Miracle Within :
13:28:11 From - : I have actually been angry with people for things that occurred in a dream. I had to ask for forgiveness.
13:28:23 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "I have done BrainHQ …" with ❤️
13:28:24 From Dan - The Miracle Within : CODE : C0001M
13:28:32 From risa Hyman : Awesome! Thank you so much
13:28:50 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "" with ❤️
13:28:52 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "I have actually been…" with ❤️
13:28:54 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "CODE : C0001M" with ❤️
13:28:57 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Awesome! Thank you s…" with ❤️
13:29:07 From - : Senior Centers need this I think.
13:29:07 From mira : Website?
13:29:12 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Senior Centers need …" with ❤️
13:29:14 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Website?" with ❤️
13:30:14 From - : Only a true “coach” could come up with this. Requires thought>
13:30:19 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Only a true “coach” …" with ❤️
13:30:44 From Dan - The Miracle Within : 60uPFitness/Members
13:31:02 From - : Rumble live.
13:31:02 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "60uPFitness/Members" with ❤️
13:31:06 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Rumble live." with ❤️
13:31:27 From Dan - The Miracle Within :
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