Holt Reconciliations - Duggars, IBLP, Gothard & Shiny Happy People

10 months ago

Jim & Bobye Holt are the friends you'd never want considering their behavior on Shiny Happy People, a hit piece docuseries aimed at attacking the famous Duggar family of TLC's 19 Kids & Counting TV Show, and in association, the Institute in Basic Life Principles and it's founder, Bill Gothard. (Attacking these entities with the main goal to slander Christianity and homeschooling generally.)

The Holts were interviewed by the producers of SHP and seemed to make it their mission to bash their former friends. But why? What good did they believe would come of doing this to the Duggars?

Between the time they were interviewed and the release of SHP, the Holt family imploded --- which isn't surprising considering their lack of propriety and loyalty to those outside their family who they claimed at one time to love. Once it is revealed that one's character includes bashing former friends publicly, trust is broken in all relationships one has to some degree.

Is Bobye Holt doing the right thing now? Will their family reconcile for good and will they apologize to the Duggars for their slanderous interview?

For more information about the documentary Shiny SLANDER, visit www.shinyslander.com or www.givesendgo.com/shinyslander

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