Index analysis of $SPY $IWM for Feb 02/05/2024

8 months ago

🔄 The VIX-SPX Relationship:
For years, the VIX and the S&P 500 (SPX) have shared an inverse relationship, with the VIX spiking during market downturns and calming during bullish periods. However, our analysis unveils a recent departure from this pattern. Tune in to understand why the historical inverse correlation has shown signs of weakening and the potential implications for investors navigating today's dynamic market landscape.

Dive into the rationale behind the mainstream economic viewpoint as we dissect the argument for reducing interest rates from the current 5.5% to a level more aligned with the CPI. Explore the potential impacts on economic growth, investment, and employment that proponents of this strategy anticipate. Uncover the complexities of balancing inflation concerns with the need for a robust and dynamic economy.

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