Africa Wont Bend

1 year ago

Look at this #Depravity of the #CatholicChurch today, it's no different from its age-old practical existence. #PopeFrancis #Christening the #LGBTQ agenda, what an #UnGodly designate of #Debauchery and #Hypocrisy of #GodDivinity at its core.
The #Psychosis is deep in the mind of #WesternSocieties to #Corrupt the #Planet. The #CollectiveWest use of the #Church for their #Devious #Subversive means throughout. #Corrupting the minds of the people to believe a #LifeStyle above #God is the highest degree of #Deception.
#America and its western #Sycophant! And all its LGBTQ Wokeness in #GenderIdentity is Doom to fail in the long run. America is an absence of #Morality, always has been. In #1776, in #Philadelphia, the second continental #Congress declared the Independence of the #Colonies as the #UnitedStates and officialized America as the #TerroristState. The state #Historically is an organize #CrimeRacket
It seems so habitual that all America does is fabricate #Misinformation and #LIE! To keep the #RulesBasedInternational in #DisOrder

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