Elevating Vibrations: Day 26 with the Sidereal Moon Gong

11 months ago

Sidereal Moon Gong Meditation

When it comes to meditating with the Sidereal Moon Gong, the primary focus is to support creativity and self-reflection. This meditation self-support tool helps you to align yourself with the energy and intention of the specific Moon cycle.

The idea is to create a rhythm of sound and vibration that will help to take you into the desired energetic state and tap into your creative potential. This Gong meditation should be done in a relaxed, sitting or lying position in a comfortable and calming atmosphere that supports your creative and reflective nature.

On the physical level, Sidereal Moon Gong meditation helps to balance the energy flow, improve blood circulation and lymphatics, stimulate the nervous system, and improve respiratory functions. On the mental and spiritual level, this meditation supports clarity, focus, and inner strength.

The most common way of playing a Sidereal Moon Gong during meditation is to start by lightly touching the Gong around the middle of its surface in a circular pattern. Make sure to move the surface with a flat beater or mallet. Holding the Gong in this way helps to create a sound wave that will bring a deeper trance-like state.

The desired effect of this technique is to promote relaxation and an inner connection with your higher self. The wave of sound is like a wave of energy that will start from the center and move outward - this helps to bring a sense of clarity and focus, helping to open the mind and body to connect with the energy of healing.

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