Can you pass The SUPER Test?

8 months ago

DESCRIPTION: Can you pass the "Super Test"? Today, Craig gives this deceptively simple, but challenging drill a shot. Full description and course of fire below from the Rangemaster newsletter: The Super Test Years ago Ken Hackathorn came up with a deceptively simple drill he called “The Test”. This drill is a very good measure of a shooter’s mastery of the fundamental/essential skills in pistol marksmanship, with just one target and ten rounds of ammunition. One B-8 repair center is engaged from 10 yards, with ten shots fired under a time limit of ten seconds. So, it’s ten shots, at 10 yards, in ten seconds. Very simple. A maximum possible score is 100, and anything above 95 is very good. Some trainers have adopted the variation of just keeping everything “in the black” for this drill, but I prefer to score it as printed. Wayne Dobbs and Darryl Bolke operate Hardwired Tactical Shooting ( in Dallas, Texas. They came up with a variation of this drill which further tests the shooter’s ability to match his firing cadence with the degree of accuracy required by a specific shooting problem. They call this drill the “Super Test”. It is also shot on a B-8 repair center, as follows: 5 yards 10 shots in 5 seconds 10 yards 10 shots in 10 seconds 15 yards 10 shots in 15 seconds. Maximum possible score is 300. I think anything above 270 (90%) indicates a pretty high skill level. For the best idea of where your strengths and weaknesses lie, I suggest you shoot each distance on a fresh B-8 repair center. You can fire all 30 shots on one, but it is more difficult to score accurately. In addition, with three targets you can see your group for each distance, which can be enlightening. At first, shoot this from The Ready. Once you are shooting above 90%, I’d start working from the concealed holster. Give this drill a try. It’s more demanding than it sounds.

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