The Danger of Small Compromises | Nehemiah 13:4-9

4 months ago

Now before this, Eliashib the priest, who was appointed over the chambers of the house of our God, and who was related to Tobiah, prepared for Tobiah a large chamber where they had previously put the grain offering, the frankincense, the vessels, and the tithes of grain, wine, and oil, which were given by commandment to the Levites, singers, and gatekeepers, and the contributions for the priests. While this was taking place, I was not in Jerusalem, for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I went to the king. And after some time I asked leave of the king and came to Jerusalem, and I then discovered the evil that Eliashib had done for Tobiah, preparing for him a chamber in the courts of the house of God. And I was very angry, and I threw all the household furniture of Tobiah out of the chamber. Then I gave orders, and they cleansed the chambers, and I brought back there the vessels of the house of God, with the grain offering and the frankincense. — Nehemiah 13:4-9

CALL OUT: Big shout out today to Marcus Pitre from Glenpool, OK. Thanks for being a member of the website, and I pray our videos and lessons help you in your spiritual growth.

These verses tell us about a religious leader who is compromised. Eliashib, not just a priest but the high priest who directed the chambers of God, had a grandson who was married into Tobiah's family and influence. Remember, Tobiah was one of the three enemy forces while building the wall.

So why does Eliashib do this, given the recommitment they publicly made?

There are two reasons.

First | Absence of Committed Leadership

It's hard to see in this text, but Nehemiah had returned to the Persian capital city of Suza. In his absence, even though he had put stop gaps in place, things began to fall apart. We do not know how long he was away. Still, he discovered that in his absence, even the highest spiritual leader was unfaithful to his commitments, primarily because Eliashib was not a committed spiritual leader.

Second | Small Relational Compromises

When you are entangled in the wrong relationships, you will eventually make compromising decisions. This is precisely why separation from these relationships is vital in some instances. Relational entanglements are tempting for us all. Eventually, there will be a point where you no longer have an influence on them but become influenced by them.

So here is the lesson.

The character and leadership of a believer are always revealed by the choices they make when left to themselves. After Nehemiah's departure, Eliashib reveals he is not a capable leader and is easily influenced by social politics and relational influence. Eliashib is a failure. He is a leader without character and commitment who will make compromises. Even worse, he is the spiritual leader of the people of Israel.

For some of you reading today, this might be a wake-up call. If so, remember, who you are when no one is looking is who you are. Therefore, if there is a difference between who you are in public and who you are in private, then close that gap today. Stop making compromises and lead with commitment. One private choice at a time: go public with an uncompromised commitment and lead with greater integrity because we need more great spiritual leaders today.

#Leadership, #Integrity, #FaithJourney, #Compromise, #CharacterMatters, #SpiritualLeadership, #Accountability, #Commitment, #Relationships, #Nehemiah13


Reflect on a situation in your life where you were tempted to compromise your principles due to social or relational pressure. What steps can you take to ensure you maintain your integrity and commitment in such circumstances?
Consider your role as a leader, whether in your family, workplace, or community. How can you actively lead with unwavering commitment and integrity, especially when no one is watching? What changes can you make in your leadership approach to set a positive example for others?

DO THIS: Integrate the private and public commitment you have with God.

PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to remain steadfast in my commitment to walk in integrity, both in public and in private. Guide me to make choices that honor You and inspire others to follow the path of unwavering faith and leadership. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Honesty.

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