Ulysses Aldrovandus

1 year ago

"Camping & Creation"

Decided to bring my recording stuff, which is just "3" things, and do a creation video.

Part#46 of "Dinosaurs & Man," we are going to be continuing with the topic of a very unusual creature that only has two front legs and a large body....a creature that has been seen in "3" separate locations by different eyewitnesses.

**Correction on one slide.....on the map of the "3" reports, I put "Paris, France" and it really should be "Gloucestershire, England." I even stated it on the slide and still put it as Paris, France for some reason. I will correct on the next video.

To learn more...

Creation Research Society

Institute for Creation Research (ICR)

Answers in Genesis

Creation Ministries International (Creation.com)

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