Food Fascism: Rob Roos Addresses the European Parliament

5 months ago

No Farmers, No Food. Rob Roos, MEP from Holland, describes the disconnection between political powers and reality, in a brief address to the European Parliament, January 2024.

Attacks on farmers have historical precedents. Stalin, for example, referred to farmers as the "enemy of the people". His government expropriated farmland and centralised control of food production. As a consequence, millions of Russians starved to death.

Similar happened in Mao's China, where farmers were forced to stop their agricultural activities during The Great Leap Forward. 45 Million Chinese consequently starved to death.

Today we have the World Economic Forum partnering with the United Nations, claiming that farming is harmful to the planet and must be brought to a halt. History tells us how that will pan out if we allow their psychopathic ideology to govern us.

There is nothing "right wing" about standing up for the rights of farmers. Their rights secure the rights of us all.


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