Episode 60: Part 10_How to reveal that Jesus is the One True God only utilizing the Scriptures

1 year ago

We continue our study with bullet two, Jesus the Veil of the Most High God.

If someone ask you to show them using only the Old Testament Scriptures to prove that Jesus is God, can you do it?

Jesus showed the Pharisees, the religious people of His day this truth but they did not believe Him.

Jesus taught His disciples on the road to Emmaus from the Old Testament that He is God but had to open their eyes to for them to see it.

Now that we have the full revelation written to us today, why can't Jesus's disciples today teach this truth directly from the scriptures today?

If you ever wanted to know how to know, understand, and communicate that Jesus is God from using only the scriptures both OT and NT, then join us on this wonderful adventure.

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