K.C. McAlpin Is Voting for Michael Peroutka (May 11, 2004)

4 months ago

K.C. McAlpin and the U.S. Immigration Reform is voting for Michael A. Peroutka. Find out why.

"My name is K.C. McAlpin.

I'm the Executive Director of the U.S. Immigration Reform Political Action Committee. The Immigration Reform Political Action Committee is a national committee that unites the concerns of the vast majority of the American people who want to see their immigration laws enforced - and want to see common sense limits put on immigration, and things done to, for instance, to stop the threat of terrorism.

We endorse and support candidates who agree with the American people and with us on these fundamental issues. And we're delighted to discover that Michael Peroutka is practically the only candidate for President of the United States that has the courage to stand up for the American people and our middle class way of life by endorsing these policies.

Too many of our politicians, like President Bush and Senator Kerry are busy pandering to very minority interests and special interests who benefit by illegal immigration or benefit by mass immigration. We think that's very shameful conduct.

But Michael has taken a principled and courageous stand on these fundamental issues that are critical to the United States today, and even more important to the kind of United States that we'll have in the future.

So for all those reasons I'm really happy and delighted that Michael is running as a candidate for the United States Presidency. We have endorsed him and support him all the way."

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* Peroutka, Michael. "Immigration Reform PAC Endorses Michael A. Peroutka for President". Peroutka2004.com, 11 May 2004.

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