Health Alkemy Community Dinner Talk Feb 2 2024 - Building and Maintaining Our "Container" of Energy

1 year ago

The small voice inside us
Self sabotage
The most true thing in us
Facing defeat
Using our container of energy
What do we do with higher energy?
Toxicity - toxins are desires?
Toxic desires
Types of stagnations (my statement food stagnation #1 may not be correct)
Stages of degeneration
Toxic Stress Cycle + Stages of Congestion model
Dis-ease true definition
Divisive thoughts
Gateways of release
The way out
Sympathetic nerves vs Parasympathetic
Dietary Priest confessional
Crucifixion complex
Sexual energy is creative energy - use to build your own energy field
Link to Cleansing Repair and Rejuvenation Document referred to in the talk (by request) -

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