America In Danger 1-20-24

8 months ago

In Segment 1, John and Robert discuss the Trump Iowa win and the insider establishment support of neo-con Nikki Haley to again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory for the conservative majority in this nation. We also discuss the deceptive nature of inflation reporting and the fact that most don't understand that it's a rate and not a static number.

In segment 2, we talk about the assorted fruitcakes and tyrant wannabees gathering at the annual mutual-fellatio festival of power-hungry elitists and globalists in Davos, Switzerland, where they plot out insane scenarios like ending hydrocarbon-based energy in favor of unreliable "climate saving" wind and solar.

In segment 3, we talk about the declining population in China and the possibilities of immediate desperate acts while China is still a relevant power.

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