WHO’s Tedros says - “There will be Another Pandemic in our Lifetime”

3 months ago

They need young people to counter lies on social media? We must be doing a pretty good job. lol

Sounds like they are getting very desperate. Keep an eye on TikTok of big influencers pushing this.


“The pandemic agreement is mission critical for humanity.

If it had been in place before COVID-19, we would not have lost so much. We would not have suffered so much.

At the generation that lived through COVID-19, we have a collective responsibility to protect future generations from the suffering we endured.

As young people, you have the most to gain from a strong agreement.

It's likely you will face another pandemic in your lifetime.

We can't know how mild or severe it might be, but we can be prepared.

So we need you to raise your voices, to tell your leaders that you want this agreement, you want this accord, it's your future.

And we need you to raise your voices to counter the lies that are undermining the agreement on social media, in conversations with your friends and families, and in any other way.

We cannot allow this historic agreement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged by those who spread lies, either deliberately or unknowingly.

Because ultimately, the pandemic agreement is about you, your world, and your future.”

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