Husband’s Been in ICU for 6 weeks, Ventilated & Trachea! I Want Him Home with Intensive Care at Home

8 months ago

My husband has been in ICU for six weeks, ventilated with tracheostomy! He’s depressed. I want him home, can he go home with intensive care at home?

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So in today’s question, Myrna is asking

My husband has been in ICU for six weeks, ventilated with tracheostomy! He’s depressed. I want him home, can he go home with intensive care at home?

Hi Patrik,

my husband has a tracheostomy and he’s been in ICU since the 6th of January, which is now coming close to six weeks. He’s weaning off the ventilator and the tracheostomy very, very slowly. He has poor muscle tone and very poor and minimalized movement due to all the medicines he was given while he was in an induced coma.

I would really like to bring him home with intensive care at home. He’s getting depressed, he’s not able to talk at the moment because of the tracheostomy and the ventilation. I need advice how to get him home. Is it the best option and so forth?

From Myrna.

Hi Myrna,

thank you so much for writing in and contacting us. So this is the prime example Myrna for how intensive care at home can improve the whole situation for your husband, for you, but also for the hospital and for the intensive care units and provide a win-win situation.

So he’s been in ICU for six weeks. He’s weaning off the ventilator very slowly by the sounds of things, which is not unusual at all because you know, he was in an induced coma and with all the sedation and the pain medication he’s had whilst he was in the induced coma, it takes time to wake up. It doesn’t take a lot of time to lose all the muscles which is what’s happened in your husband’s situation.

You know, he hasn’t probably been mobilized properly, hasn’t been getting out of bed yet. And of course he’s losing muscle tone and that doesn’t help him to wean off the ventilator at all. And of course he’s getting depressed in ICU, no natural daylight, disturbed day and night rhythm. It’s a foreign environment, doctors, nurses making noise all the time, can’t sleep, can’t rest, you know, it’s not the right environment.

My husband has been in ICU for six weeks, ventilated with tracheostomy! He’s depressed. I want him home, can he go home with intensive care at home?

And on top of that, it’s very expensive. An ICU bed, as you’re aware, costs five to $6,000 per bed day and your husband quite frankly, doesn’t need to be there. The only thing that you haven’t mentioned is whether he’s on inotropes or vasopressors. But as soon as he’s off inotropes and vasopressors, he can go home with the service like ours where we send ICU nurses into the home 24 hours a day to provide a genuine alternative to a long-term stay in ICU or what’s called an ICU substitution service.

We can set up home care for you, you know, getting all the equipment ready. We’re very experienced in that. We’ve done it, you know, dozens of times for our clients getting home care ready, getting a roster in place, 24 hours, same place with the right nurses. You know, we’ll get you involved in the staff selection process. We’ll only send you the nurses that you make a good connection with.

What’s really important at home as well. You know, he would go back to a normal day and night rhythm. He’s in his own environment and quite frankly, we’d be much less depressed because you know, his quality of life and your quality of life will improve big time, when you’re at home, it’s just your natural environment...

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