8 months ago

Reports last year indicated that the China has set up police stations across the world including one in Sydney.

Chinese authorities have said the stations, sometimes called “contact points”, provide services to citizens, such as renewing national identification cards, passports and drivers licences, by using facial recognition technology.

But human rights groups fear overseas police offices could also be used to target dissidents abroad or compel people to return to China where they could face potentially politicised trials.

Despite this potential National Security Breach, our spy agency ASIO doesn’t appear worried and claims to not know anything about it. China must be laughing at our government.

Canada Has 3 such "CCP" Police Station's there.. and one in the United states..Not sure exactly. ***************************************************************************************************************************
RESEARCH: This is the only way you will know.
The CIA in the 60's i believe came up withe the Word "Conspiracy Theorist".. Why.? Too Discredit Some one..

Now the Australian People are now being called the word "Cookers" Why.?

What...are all Cookers now.. It is bad as saying that we are All "Conspiracy Theorist" Today we Have a few State Senators Speaking out about it what is happening in Australia.. Are they all Cookers too.?

Wake Up
Look what the Australia Government has Sold to the "CCP" Chinese Communist Party.
Look What they have Least out to them for the next 100 years.
Look what the CCP has Built in Australia They own Ports and Airbases in the middle of our Country..WTF look in Western Australia research it.
Look at this Video and tell me What is happening.?

Q: Why do we never hear the A: to these Q's: from these Senators.. They sound good But "THE END" " Question it for yourself Find out the Answers like in these Video I am presenting to you.

Listen to what the CCP Police Officer say when talking to the Aussie Cossack.? Watch her reactions..

Believe it or not, We have been taken over.
This Corporation "Australian Government" Registered in the U.S. Stock Exchange and is a Foreign Power... Do you Get it yet.? This Government Do Not Care about the people as long as their Pockets are filled why would they care about everyday Australian's.
Wake Up People.

Watch these Videos to help you understand:

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