MR. NON-PC - A Chain Reaction Of Bad Choices

5 months ago

There's nothing wrong with anything in moderation.

But we live in a society now where everyone seems to want to blame someone or something else for all of their poor choices.

Look how fat people wanna blame their morbid obesity on "an illness" or evil politicians who blamed their lockdowns, toxic waste shots and dictates on "the virus" right?

Or look how younger men or women wanna blame their crap on one another.

You see it all the time with women who get knocked up by a beta boy, he ends up leaving her and not getting married...then she goes and does it again with some other beta dude. A bunch of years pass by and she blames it on "her ex boyfriend" instead of her BAD CHOICES!!!

And what seems to happen with these bad choices is that they begin to turn into a chain reaction of bad choices. Over and over and over and over these same people make excuses, blame others, play the victim...while at the same time NEVER changing their bad choices and just adding link after link to the chain of bad choices!

Now these bad choices can be reversed....but these people must FIRST ADMIT that they made bad choices.

Secondly....they have to decide to reverse the bad choices by making a POSITIVE CHOICE and CUTTING THE BAD CHOICE LINKS OFF THE CHAIN!!!!

We can all overcome the chain reaction of all of our own bad choices....we can cut the links off one by one!

Everyone has their own bad choices, bad decisions and possibly regrets....but we can't look back....we MUST OVERCOME!!!

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