Aila Discusses CCP's Military Strategy and Rising Anti-Chinese Sentiment

1 year ago

02/01/2024 Aila on The John Fredericks Show: The CCP has established military bases in countries neighboring the U.S. The real estate projects funded by the CCP and its embassy in Cuba are used as their spy bases. They have sent over PLA personnel and technology groups just to defeat the United States. Additionally, there is an up trending anti-Chinese sentiment online created by the CCP. We should always remember the CCP doesn’t represent the democracy and freedom-loving Chinese people.
02/01/2024 小飞象做客The John Fredericks Show:中共在美国周边国家建立军事基地。 在古巴,中共资助的房地产项目和大使馆被当作间谍基地。他们派遣解放军和技术小组过去就是为了打败美国。而且,中共在网上制造了一种日趋高涨的反华情绪。我们必须要谨记,中共不代表热爱民主和自由的中国人民。

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