world fastest poem writer

4 months ago

Khusi started to write poems from the 13 April 2023. till 31 January 2024 she complied her 8 books of portuguese poems series " OS POEMAS DA PEQUENA KHUSI" with more then 470 poems. And she added english language from the 16 July 2023 till 31 January 2024 she completed her two english poems series " THE POEMS OF SMALL KHUSI" with more then 240 poems. within 9 and half month she wrote more then700 poems. She can write poem anytime , anywhere any title. Now she is asking me to make event on her poems birthday 13 April 2024 , she told us she can write more then 100 portuguese poems + more them 50 poems in english in a day if we provide the title. She want to make world record in writing poems. All books are available on her website
so please visit this website for more information

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