🔥 Juan O'Savin: GOD'S JUSTICE: John Rev 7 10 2022: EYE-OPENING Documentary!

7 months ago

A REMINDER that we NEED TO FIGHT ON TO WIN THIS WAR. IF you are not.. rethink the magnitude of these times. We have a reckoning coming that is BIBLICAL. See how far we have come to this point. And DON'T GIVE UP. This also points to the Message of the Dress Melania Trump wore leaving AF1 arriving at Mar a Logo with President Trump that appears on the Second Edition Back cover of Kid by the Side of the Road. Which Juan O Savin shows front and center during his Presentation at the Patriot Double Down.
John Rev Presents from Born Again Productions. A worthy 48:04 minutes of excerpts from The Patriot Double Down including clips with Jim Caviezel, Gideon's Army, The Matrix, Passion of Christ, The Patriot, Braveheart, Mel Gibson, John McAfee and much, much more. This is well done by a Patriot himself John Rev's many programs, beautiful scenery and Bible Quotes. That include the dynamic inspirational presentation by Juan O Savin in person October 23-25, 2021 at the Ahern Hotel, Las Vegas, NV. One to remember because "everything changed". Wear your Armor of God Proudly and find your Mission....from GOD. 48:04 long. 484 a Palindrome number. 4+ 8+ 4= 16
The meaning of the number 16, in the Bible, represents love and loving. Christians are to become perfected in God's love not just by physically obeying the Commandments (which should be done anyway) but also by following the full spiritual intent of our Creator's laws and judgments (Matthew 22:37 - 40). This duality of true love is represented by 8 + 8 = 16.
The Four Represents FOUNDATION and this was recently the Dress Melania Trump Wore on the Cover of the PARIS MATCH Magazine with prominent Orange and Brown the same colors and Cubes from Kid by the Side of the Road. She has her arms crossed in resolve and the break is 3 cubes then 1 or the significance on the cover that reads "Melania, the asset master of Trump. A Woman of Power in Intimacy". Proverbs 31 is called the Virtuous Wife proverb by King David. According to Proverbs 31:26, a godly woman “opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” Bathsheba taught her son what a godly woman looks like. She set the example. Through her life, and through her direct teaching, she taught her son how to identify a godly wife and mother. Just like Melania Trump. A Virtuous Woman. As they say behind every great man..... stands a Great Woman.

Number 16 and Love

Apostle Paul, in his first book to the Corinthian church, states there are sixteen distinct things about the quality of love that God has and that he wants us to have. Love is incredibly patient and very kind. It never brags about itself or does it envy others.

Perfect love does not act vainly, behave in an unacceptable manner, is not selfish, is not very easily provoke and thinks no evil of others. It mourns sin but rejoices in what is the truth. Godly love is willing to bear and endure all things, and to hope for and believe the best. This greatest of all spiritual gifts will never ever fail (1Corinthians 13:4 - 8)

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v49fslt-juan-o-savin-gods-justice-john-rev-7-10-2022.html

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