A Genuine Fake - Truth Be Told

6 months ago

Truth Be Told
Written By: A Genuine Fake

Violence brings Violence
Peace bring peace
Soul meets body
Death gives us sweet release
We are our thoughts
Pain allows for no reprieve
A worthless fucking thief
Children go hungry
Taught by the streets
(While) Parents and Drug Addicts
(Are) Begging for relief
We live in a sick cruel world
Global policy of Greed
With military politics
(And) Propaganda TV
We learn what to consume
(Because) That’s what schools teach
An ignorant population
Designed by Constantine
Where the truth must stay hidden
(But) Practice what you preach
Kill off all of the weak ones
They want perpetual balance
Without any peace
This is fucking Class War
What class is under me
If I don’t die a Martyr
This means I can’t speak
Government got your tongue
Nobody hears you scream
The secrets of society
(Are) Decided by who you meet
You can’t reach the top
Unless they pull the strings
Puppet fucking governments
Take orders from people who call themselves elite
They draw a hard line
Enforced by secret police
They want to keep you blind
To the fact that you’re on a leash
Original thought has been outlawed
They want to tell you what to think
The cuts are so deep
They love to watch you bleed
Contract Armies Everywhere
No-one can escape their reach
At birth we are sold
Hollywood will give you fame
In return, they get your soul
This is no time to think
Most of you can’t even fucking read
The modern babysitter
A flickering digital reality
Constantly programming the Market
The Market is You and Me
Just know they fucking own you
They’ll even tell you what to eat
For the New World Order
Sick Human Experiments and Mass Deceit
Uncle Sam should wipe that smile off his face
(And) Stop pointing his finger at me
I am no a fucking Patriot
I’m not giving my life up that easily
Put these fucking Cowards on the front lines
I bet then you’ll get some God Damn Peace
(But) Nobody wants to talk about it
The Media won’t let you see
It’s hidden under deep cover
And overlooked by society

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