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Prophet Julie Green - Unusual Things Will Start to Take Place in Your White House - Captions
In this prophetic message from the Lord, a tumultuous year is foretold for 2024, characterized by extreme shifts, ups and downs, and a struggle between darkness and light. Despite appearances of impending doom, the Lord assures His children that He will destroy every plan of oppression, distraction, and control orchestrated by the wicked and the enemy. The narrative reveals a brewing intensity, likened to a super volcano, set to disrupt the Great Reset and AI takeover. The Lord promises the exposure of ties to China within the government, Pentagon, and Supreme Court, emphasizing an unstoppable divine intervention to remove criminals and traitors involved in treason against the nation.
As the silent war behind the scenes becomes known, the Lord predicts a great shock among the populace as the dark and evil nature of leaders is revealed. Specific names like Marine One and Alibaba are mentioned as key players in unfolding events. The Lord hints at a plot to remove President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, describing a White House filled with animosity and rebellion. Unusual occurrences are anticipated, leading to a mass exodus from the left and a growing desire for freedom among Americans. The Lord emphasizes a message of victory, unity, and deliverance, urging His people to rejoice and not fear, as He is the Great Deliverer.
In a final proclamation, the Lord assures His presence and the imminent experience of great deliverance from all obstacles hindering His people's destiny. The message concludes with a reminder to trust in the Lord's control and ultimate victory.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Bible References:
Scriptures for today Thursday 1/18/2024 "Unusual Things Will Start To Take Place In Your White House " Heard 1/6/2024. *Pre-recorded*:
2Corinthians 4:16-18
2Corinthians 2:14
Hosea 4:6
1John 4:4
Hebrews 2:14
Psalm 18:3,18-19,48
1Samuel 17
Ephesians 1:21-22
Ephesians 2:4-6
Psalm 110:1
Luke 10:19
Philippians 2:9-10
Galatians 3:13-14
Colossians 2:15
Hebrews 4:16
1John 1:7-9
John 16:33
A wild ride is coming, ups and downs, but God's Light will destroy it all.
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is actually Saturday, January 13th of 2024. You will see this on Thursday, January 18th, and that's because I'll be in Grand Ridge, Florida. Now I'll be at that event. I'll be speaking January 19th Friday evening, and then I'll be speaking again, Saturday, January 20th. In the first morning session, so I hope you can join us But if you have not gotten your tickets yet You can go to our website at jgm international.
org under our events page You can click on that and get all that information you want for this event again It's in grand ridge florida with brother timothy dixon and so many other people I'm looking forward to see the mighty move of god because remember I told you There was a massive storms and tornadoes that hit that area And that tent was, there was nothing.
So the enemy, no matter what they wanted to do to it, that tent was still standing, there was no damage. Because, remember what we always say, God wins! That is such an amazing example of no matter what tests or trials or storm comes in our life, God is faithful, He is our protector. And again, no damage because God is faithful to his word.
And so I hope that encourages you today, even in the midst of all of our storms in our life and all these things that the enemy tries to do to destroy us. God is our protector and he protects everything. So again, be encouraged today that God wins. You're on his side. He dwells on the inside of you.
You're a world world overcomer. And the end. Is we win the end is our victory. And so that's why we should be shouting every single day So also if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgm international. org Under our contact page or you can write us at julie green ministries international 4620 east 53rd street suite 200 davenport, iowa And then if you want any Julie Greene Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonsthreads.
com. That's threesonsthreads. com. I know there's some God's wins. There might be some stuff still left by then. But just check it out. There's so many awesome things that they are making and I love seeing it. I love America Needs God, God Wins, In God's Army, and Don't Comply to a Lie. Firm focus foundation on the father.
Of course, there's a cups. But again, this is just, we're wearing these things and we're showing our enemy. We are not ever going to surrender. We don't quit. Does it matter how dark, does it matter how bad things look? We are overcoming. We have the victory. We know it. And we are never going to give in and we are never going to wave that white flag of surrender because they have to do that.
So I want to get to a powerful prophetic word today. And it's called unusual things will start to take place in the white house. Unusual things will start to take place in the white house. Now that was from January 6th of 2024. So this prophetic word is from January 6th. Of 2024, unusual things will start to take place in your white house.
My children, you are about to experience in this year of 2024 a wild ride, you would say from one extreme to another, from ups and downs, it will appear like from darkness invading and trying to finish the nation off. To my light, destroying it all, destroying every plan, destroying all the oppression, destroying their distraction, destroying all their weapons, destroying all their control, along with all of their governments and world leaders.
No man has ever seen anything quite like this that I'm about to do to free my nation and my children from the control of the wicked in the hands, from the hands. of the enemy. Darkness will seem to take over. It will seem to have won. A great move of frustration and depression. Your enemies will try to finally get everyone to submit to their control and their plans.
But my children, despite what you see, with the weather, with the economy, with the shutting down, with its chaos growing among the nations, this is because confusion has grown to a level in your enemy's camp. And everything that they had planned for the next 10 years, they're going to try to pull it out all in one year to stop this resistance that has grown against them.
But as they are trying to pull off this judgment or pull this off, judgment after judgment will begin to strike your enemies and their plans and each and every one of them will fall.
A great intensity is growing my children like a super volcano about to erupt. This eruption will abruptly stop their Great Reset and their AI takeover of the human race. Their rituals, their sacrifices are about to cease in a major way. Evil has tried to reign over my Earth, but that evil is being overthrown by me, saith the Lord of Hosts.
China ties in your government. Pentagon, Supreme Court are about to be exposed in a major way. Nothing will stop my hand from removing every criminal and every traitor. Your enemies are turning on each other more and more now to save themselves from a dreadful end. Treason. I will continuously say this word because you are about to find out who all committed such heinous treason against my nation and who has already been judged for it.
The silent war is about to be known to this world that a great takedown has been going on behind the scenes to save this great nation and the world from the hands of the globalists. It's about time to show all of you what has been going on and who has been taken out and who has been taken down and removed.
Great shock will come across this land knowing how dark and how evil your leaders have been for a long time. Well that time is finished now saith the Lord. Marine One will be in your news for a significant reason.... Alibaba; this name will also be in your news for a shocking reason. Watch the next steps
the left will take for removal of the Biden and Kamala It will shock you how fast I could get rid of both of them Massive fighting has grown in the White House Great animosity for one another and their staff because they were rebelling and wanting them both removed. A plot to remove them is about to be seen.
They have no use for Biden or Kamala. They know they have no chance of victory. They can't afford to lose this election and their control. Unusual things will start to take place in the White House and listen how the news media will begin to talk about it to control the masses from rebelling even more; but it won't work.
A mass exodus from the side of the left. A desire for freedom will grow in the hearts of Americans like never before. The awakening has started for great uniting in this land, O United States. I'm setting you totally free, saith the Lord. Apostasy; this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. Lime light;
this phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason. My children, you are about to see how fast and how hard giants can fall. How fast leaders can be removed. This will be a wild ride. Remember who is in control. Remember who wins in the end. So rejoice; not cry... shout in victory and do not cower in fear. I Am with you, and nothing can stop my goodness from coming. I Am the Great Deliverer and you'll be experiencing a great deliverance from all that has held you from where I want you to be, saith the Lord your Redeemer. So again when the Lord has been speaking these prophetic words He always has been reminding us to walk by faith and not by sight.
Do not be moved by what things are seen because what things are seen are temporary and they're subject to change. I want to read that scripture and I said, I'm quoting it. I should read it. Second Corinthians
four and 18. Well, I'm going to start with second Corinthians though. Second Corinthians four and 16. Therefore, we do not become discouraged, utterly spiritless and exhausted and worried out through fear. Though our outer man is progressively decaying and wasting away, yet our inner self is being progressively renewed day after day.
Verse 17, for our light and momentary affliction, the slight distress of this passing hour is ever more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory. Beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparison in all calculation of vast and transpondent glory, blessedness and never to cease.
Verse 18, since we consider and look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen for the things that are visible are temporal, brief and fleeting, but the things which are invisible are deathless and everlasting. That's why God is telling us to walk by faith and not by sight.
Because the things that we are seeing have an expiration date. They are set to change. They are not going to last forever. And God does have the final say. He is doing something about it. God is delivering us. He promises us all the time. In 2 Corinthians 2 and 14, It says, Be thanks to God, who in Christ always leads us into a triumph as trophies of Christ's victory.
And though us, and through, spreads us, makes evident the fragrance of knowledge of God everywhere. God is leading us into a triumphant victory, so people take notice, so light destroys the darkness. God's light should be shown through us and be shining through us so bright it destroys the darkness around us because that is Exactly what God has planned for each and every one of us.
He wants us to be triumphant He wants us to be world overcomers. That's exactly why he sent Jesus So we are free whom the Sun sets free is free indeed The enemies have been trying to do Since the beginning satan has always tried to destroy god's people and their freedom to try to destroy the knowledge of it Just try to show the truth the truth of it And that's why hosea 4 6 says that god's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge We have to have the knowledge of what is going on the truth of what god is saying What he is going to do what the enemies are trying to do so we don't fall for their traps So we don't fall for all these things That they are doing against us.
And also he tries to deceive us out of our power and our authority. He wants you to believe that you have none. He wants you to believe that there's nothing that you can do, but anything that you are seeing when that is the farthest thing from the truth. You have the name of Jesus. You have the word of God.
You have God on the inside of you. The greater one on the inside of you is greater than he that is in the world. Greater. Who's inside of you is greater than he who is in the world. That is I'm having, oh my goodness gracious. First John, see I'm quoting too much. First John four and verse four. First John four and verse four.
All right. Little children, you are of God. You belong to him. You have already. Now look. It says, you have already defeated and overcome them, the agents of the Antichrist, because he who lives in you is greater and mightier than he that's in the world. You have already defeated, you have already overcome, the agents of the Antichrist are the ones who work with our enemy.
Because why? Because of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. So we have already been guaranteed. And in these different prophetic words, God is revealing these things to us. He's wanting us to know and take that for a fact. In our lives, getting that down on the inside of us, that we are world overcomers, that He is on the inside of us.
That there's, we've already defeated everyone against us. Because Jesus was their defeat. Jesus was the enemy's complete defeat. It says in 14, Okay, I was going to quote it, I can't. Alright, 14. Since therefore these his children, sharing flesh and blood and physical nature of human beings, he himself in a similar manner partook of the same nature, That by growing through death, he might bring to naught and make no effect.
Him who had the power of death, that is a devil. He brought the enemy, the devil to nothing. And that is why we have already defeated. We've already overcome anybody who's against us because Jesus is the one who already has won that battle for us. There's also a few more scriptures. If I go back before I go back, it was prophetic word.
The Lord has given me this morning. Let's see here. Let's go to psalm 18. Okay, psalm 18 in verse 3 now This psalm was written by David now Obviously most of the Psalms was written by David or if not, all of it was written by David and one of the things that David This psalm verse 18. This is when Saul was trying to kill him This is when Saul kept pursuing him Saul was very angry at him because he was very jealous And so this is David crying out to God and saying, God, you know, you see Saul, you see what he's trying to do to me.
You see that he's trying to kill me. So Psalm 18 in verse three, look what David's saying. Okay. It says right here, verse three, Psalm 18 verse three, I will call upon you. I will call upon the Lord, excuse me. I'll call upon the Lord who is to be praised. So shall I be saved from my enemies? So he already knows.
Remember, cause he, David is the one who already fought Goliath. He fought a lion, he fought a bear, and now he's having to fight Saul. But he already knows that he calls upon the Lord in the times of trouble. He called upon the Lord when it came to the lion and the bear. He called upon the Lord when it came to Goliath.
He called upon the Lord now when it comes to Saul. And he says, I know I'm going to call upon the Lord. I'm going to praise you because you are going to what? Save me from my enemies. If I call upon you, if I rejoice, if I believe and trust in you, you are going to save me from my enemies. And that's exactly what God proved to David over and over again.
That's exactly what God has proven to his people in the Bible, over and over again. That's exactly what God has proven to us, over and over again. That we call upon him. That we praise and thank him. He will save us from our enemy. Thank him for what? Thank him for saving us. But it doesn't look like we're saved yet.
Who cares? It doesn't matter what it looks like because we as believers we're walking by faith. We're not walking by sight. I'm gonna rejoice I'm rejoicing right now that this whole globalist agenda is being destroyed Their great reset is being destroyed that every fraudulent government is coming down like the walls of jericho.
I am rejoicing i'm praising I'm thanking god for these things because I know that he is saving us from our enemy And look at David. Remember, God said in a prophetic word I don't know if it was probably two years ago now, I think it might've been 2022, but he said, where's my Joshua? Where are my Caleb's?
Where are my David's? Now, remember, he even calls President Trump as David. Why? Warriors! People who won't back off. People who won't back down. People who will fight these giants in the face of adversity. You don't care how big your enemies are who are against you. You know you have the end result. You know that God wins, and so do you, because you're on his side.
David knew that. That's why David's like, hey that uncircumcised Philistine, why do you think David said that? You can find that story of David, for the sake of time, I can't go to that right now, but you can find it in 1 Samuel 17. And if you find, if you go and read that story about David and Goliath, you can, when David said, hey, you're an uncircumcised Philistine, what was he saying about that?
Why would he say that? Because he was saying, I have a covenant with almighty God and you don't. And I know my God is able. And he said, not only is my God able, but he's going to deliver me in, he's going to deliver you into my hands today. Today, God is going to deliver you into my hand. David was so. Um, he was so faithful, first of all 'cause he, he, he trusted God.
He was like, God, I know you're gonna do it and today you're gonna do it. He was determined. He had that faith that God was not gonna fail him. He was not gonna let him down. He had that confidence. I'm not gonna back off. This guy doesn't have a covenant, but I do. My guy's a covenant, covenant keeping God.
Where are these Christians today? In realizing that God is a covenant keeping God, he keeps his covenant. He's faithful to his word. He's not going to abandon us. He's not going to leave us in the face of adversity He didn't in any of these times with God's people. He always delivered them in the end He always delivered them and God's saying the same thing now.
He's delivering us. So again, Psalm 18 verse 3 I will call upon the Lord who is who who who is to be praised? Because so shall I be saved from my enemies. He knew it now. Let's turn to Psalm 1818
They confronted and cut come upon me in the day of calamity, but the Lord was. My stay and my support. God was my stay and my support. God didn't abandon him in the day of calamity or the day of darkness or the day where it looked like this was going in the wrong direction. Verse 19. He brought me forth also into a large place.
He was delivering me because he was pleased with me and delighted in me. He delighted and was pleased with David. Because David would not give up. David was confident in God. Confident that he would save him. Confident that he would not abandon him. Confident that he was going to save him from the enemies and there was nothing the enemy could do about it because he knew his God was bigger than the enemy he was facing.
No matter how big the enemy looked. Now, remember he was, you know, at the time with David and Goliath, he saw Goliath, he was standing between nine and 12 feet tall. He could see Goliath. I mean, he was right in front of him, but he couldn't see his God. He didn't physically see God, but he knew God was with him.
And that's why God was well pleased because no matter what David saw, he was walking by faith or trusting in God, his ability to get him out of that situation and save him from the hand of the enemy. We should, we have the same kind of confidence. That God saves us from our enemies. I want you to say this.
God saves me from all my enemies. God saves me from all my enemies. God always has and he always will, no matter what it looks like. Then Psalm 18 and verse 48. Psalm 18 in verse 48 says who delivers me from my enemies. Yes You lift me up above those who rise up against me. You delivered me from the man of violence What you lift me up above my enemies There are so many times that guy showing us right here.
He lifts up above our enemies He shows us that in Ephesians 1 we are far above. Let's turn it right there Ephesians 1, we're not on the same playing field, we're not on the same level, our enemies are below us. God even said in his word, he makes our enemy our footstool. Ephesians 1, 21, far above all principality, power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also which is to come.
That's the age we're living in and it says verse 22 and he puts all things under his feet And gave him to be the head over all things to the church Which is his body the fullness of him who fills all in all Jesus is the head. We're the body Where's the enemy under our feet under our feet? So we should be excited that the enemy is under our feet.
Jesus is the head. We're the body Where's the enemy under our feet? That's why we can set them to declare that we're world overcomers and God lifts up lifts us up far above our enemies Our enemies are underneath our feet and where are we it says in Ephesians 2 Ephesians 2 verse 4 says but God I love that but God but God who is rich in mercy Because of his great love which he loved us.
He loves us God loves us and says in verse 5 again. It says Ephesians 2 I started with verse 4 now I'm reading verse 5 even when we were dead and trespasses and made us Then he made us us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved verse 6 Look what this says We're not on the same level as our enemy and raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places In christ jesus so because of christ and what he did for us It's like we're sitting right there with him at the right hand of almighty god and we're using his name We have his blood because we have a blood covenant with him because of what jesus did for us On calvary how he destroyed the power of the enemy how he went to hell in our place How he was raised from the dead.
This is where we are sitting at the right hand of god So again, we're far above we are sitting together with god. We are in the place Where God has given us power and authority and dominion. And he said again, he raises us up above our enemies and he saves us. So where, where is this doom and gloom crowd that says, well, God's not going to do anything.
But that's not scriptural. That's a scriptural that God's not going to do anything. He always does something. He always has the end result because he says in this word, like I just read, he always causes you to triumph. Now let's go to Psalm 10. Let's go to Psalm 10. Sorry, Psalm 110. Psalm 110.
Psalm 110 in verse 1. It says, The Lord God says to my Lord, the Messiah, sit at my right hand until I make your adversaries your footstool. God has made. Our enemies our footstool that means they're under our feet. That means they don't have the same power They're not on the same level. They're not the same playing field They're underneath our feet because of what messiah what messiah what jesus has done for us?
Remember it says in luke 10 and 19 that he's given us all power and authority and dominion Over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm us He's given us all power authority and dominion period the end Our enemies are underneath our feet. We should be celebrating these people that are trying to do everything they can against us.
They're not bigger than God. And they're not bigger than the one who's inside of us because that is God, the greater one. God has said, hey, the victory is already yours. All you have to do is be like David and take it. Take it, be confident, rejoice now before you even see it. David was rejoicing with Goliath before he even slain Goliath.
Before he even killed him, he was rejoicing knowing that God was on his side. He even told Goliath, God's going to deliver you into my hand today. Now, if David would have said tomorrow, it would have been tomorrow. But David said today. He had that much confidence. Today. I don't have to wait another day.
God's going to deliver you into my hand today. Today, Goliath, you're going to die. He spoke those words. He was confident in God. And that's exactly what happened. Let's turn now to Philippians 2, turn to Philippians 2,
this is something else that we have to know that we have. Philippians 2 and verse 9,
Philippians 2 and verse 9, therefore because he stooped so low, God has highly exalted him and has freely bestowed on him the name that is above every name. What does that mean? When Jesus stooped so low. He became sin. It says in the word, he became sin who knew no sin. He became sin for us to destroy it on the cross.
Galatians we are redeemed from it because of what Jesus has done. He disarmed, Colossians 2, 15, He disarmed our enemy. Remember, I read, I read Hebrews 2 and 14, he brought them to nothing. So, Jesus had come to this earth as a man, anointed by God. Now he came to this earth as a man. Then he was anointed by God.
Then, he went to that cross for us, he, the man who knew no sin, he took sin upon his body to dissolve it, to destroy it, to annihilate it. So that means when we go boldly to the throne of grace, which we can in Hebrews 4 and 16, and then when we repent of our sins, John, 1 John 9, when we go boldly to the throne of God, the throne of grace.
In 9 we say Heavenly Father I repent. He's faithful to forgive us Why because he has destroyed the power of that sin in your life and he hasn't just covered up like the blood did Back when the Jewish people made sacrifices, they were covered for, with the, you know, blood. They had to do sacrifices, the animal sacrifice, and they were covered for a year.
They didn't sin again. Well, no, we're not just covered. We are washed and we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Now again, Therefore God also highly exalted him, and given him his name above every name. Verse 10, And that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and those on the earth, and those under the earth.
And every tongue should confess that Jesus is the Lord God, the glory of the Father. Now again, Jesus's name is above every name. So no matter what name, you know, I, I've told you before, I've been warning you about what they're trying to do with that virus and stuff or that new jet disease X or whatever that's called.
Jesus's name is above every name. Now I want to go back over and read this prophetic word here. My children, you are about to experience in this year of 2024, a wild ride, you would say. From one extreme to the other, from ups and downs, it will appear like from the darkness invading and trying to finish the nation off to my light destroying it all.
So again, God's been warning us about things looking darker. He's been warning us about things that he said, brace for impact. He said, and hold the line. He's been telling us to hold tight to his word. He's been telling us that things are going to look worse before they get better. He says, obviously now he's saying a wild ride.
He says from ups and downs, it will appear like darkness is invading and trying to finish trying to finish the nation off. My light is destroying it all so it's gonna look from the darkness invading and then to God's light destroying it all Destroying every plan destroying all the oppression destroying their distraction Destroying all their weapons destroying all their control and along with all of their governments and world leaders who wins God man doesn't win and I mean the man against God a man against God won't win But God has created us Mankind and who has asked Jesus to be our Lord and Savior and we are in the kingdom of Almighty God He has made us to be victorious.
So one minute. It's gonna look really good next moment. It's gonna look really bad It's like a roller coaster ride It's, you know, you know, twists and turns, ups and downs, you know, and then loop de loops and all this kind of thing. And roller coasters are fast. So if you look at like I used to as a kid, I wouldn't do it anymore, but as a kid I used to ride all the faster, the better, the more loop de loops, the better, the more twists and turns the better.
I don't care how high it was. I don't, I didn't care. I loved them. Now I wouldn't get on them. Now I've gotten older, I wouldn't. I mean, they're still fun, but you know, your body changes after time. But again, God is telling us no matter what ups and downs, no matter how it goes crazy from this direction to that direction or loop de loops or whatever, it may seem like everything's going upside down and everything's going crazy and wild and out.
And God is saying, Hey, Remember me, I'm the one in control. Rejoice like David did. David was a psalmist. He wrote songs. What are we supposed to do? Remember rejoicing and praising and worshiping destroys the powers of the enemy and it makes them God sets ambushes up against them. So it's important to rejoice.
He says, no man has ever seen anything quite like this that I'm about to do to free my nation and my children from the control of the wicked in the hands, from the hands of the enemy. God is going to get us out from under the control of the enemy. That's it. That's final. I've given you so many different scriptures today, but every single day God is giving us scriptures like this.
Every single day. He's giving us scriptures of hope and encouragement of victory of Good a good news of peace of joy of whatever it is. He's giving it to us because that's who he is He is never going to leave us nor forsake us. He's never going to leave us in the hands of the wicked Well the tribulation period that's different, but I mean that's for the ones who stay in tribulation.
I mean, I'm not but again because God is saying to us. He doesn't appoint us to wrath. I know that will ruffle people's feathers are gonna get mad, but God doesn't appoint us to wrath. That's scriptural. Tribulation period is God's wrath. People think it's tribulation now. This is nothing. This is a foreshadowing of tribulation.
This is nothing. The world will get so much worse in tribulation than it is now. Trust me. Read the book of Revelation. It is way worse than this. This is just getting people's attention so they don't partake in tribulation period. This is warning God's people. This is what's coming up. Get out of that mess.
Trust in me. And before that, again, it's greater harvest of souls, so more people aren't gonna have to partake in that. This is just, what we're seeing right now is judgment, and you know how crazy this is. God's wrath in the book of Revelation and during the Tribulation time is way worse. It's hell on earth.
Physical hell on earth. So there's teachings out there. Again, that's what Satan does. He confuses people. There's teachings out there that we're already in Tribulation. No, we're not. We're not and we're not in tribulation yet. This is a foreshadowing and a warning This is what I told you about these people are trying to make things go faster They're trying to make it before their time is supposed to come and it ain't gonna happen And God's people are going to receive what God has for us in this time now it says this is the next paragraph darkness will seem to take over and it will seem to have won a Great move of frustration and depression your enemies will try to finally get everyone to submit to their control and to their plans He said and then he told me he said darkness will seem and then he had me put that in bold It will seem to have one he put had me put that in bold those words seem why?
Because it will appear this way even though that's not how it actually is
now and then he says again They're going to try to bring tons of frustration. They're going to try to bring depression They're going to try to bring these things. But what does john 1633 say
john 1633? So they're going to try to bring frustration And depression and trials and tribulations stuff and, you know, not the tribulation itself, but they're trying to bring hell on earth now, but what does God say about it in his word? John 16, 33. I have told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence in the world You have tribulation trials distress and frustration But be of good cheer take courage be confident and certain and undaunted for I've overcome the world I have deprived it of its power to harm you and I've conquered it for you Now that now when he uses the word tribulation, he's not talking about the tribulation It's probably people are wondering about that.
So I'm gonna look that up tribulation a cause of great troubling or suffering so when we're going through great troubling or suffering What does jesus say right here and in the world you'll have trials tribulation Which will have cause of trouble and trouble and suffering trials and distress and frustration But but why but don't define it with the the first part where you're going to see all the things that are discouraging you Relate to the second part when he says but be of good cheer Take courage be confident certain undaunted for I have overcome the world I deprive it with power to harm you and i've conquered it for you.
God's conquered the world He's conquered the enemies already. So then he says but, but my children, despite what you see now, I have you put that in bold despite what you see. 'cause you're gonna see a lot of things despite what you see with the weather, which guy's been warning us about weather for three years with the economy.
He's been warning us about that for at least two years or more with the shutting it down morning about shutdowns and the chaos growing among nations. He's in Warrington Small Chaos. This is because confusion has grown to a level in your enemy's camps that they're doing everything now. They had planned for the last, for the next ten years.
So everything they had planned for the next ten years, they're gonna do it in one year. This year. They're gonna try. They're not gonna, it's not gonna work. They're gonna try to leash hell. It's not gonna work. Because God's between us and them. God knows their plans. He has it all and he's stopping them.
Just like he stopped Pharaoh. He says they're going to try to pull it all out in one year to stop this resistance that has grown against them. But as they are trying to pull this off, now as they're trying to pull this off, judgment after judgment will begin to strike your enemies and their plans and each and every one of them will fall.
Every time somebody came up against almighty god, they fell. They didn't, they didn't conquer god. They'll never conquer god He's undefeated and he says a great intensity is growing my children like super volcano Now he says a super volcano a great intensity is growing my children like a super volcano.
I was like Surprised when he said super volcano and you know the super volcano there there is a few of them, throughout the world But the biggest one is actually underneath yellowstone yellowstone national park and that super volcano if it ever erupted Would destroy the entire earth pretty much because of the ash cloud, it would put people into a an ice age, it will destroy soil, destroy the air, it will, it will do massive damage.
I looked at, I looked it up a long time ago when I was just doing a study about Yellowstone. And the reason why it's a super volcano is because it's under the earth and actually they have greater magma chambers if I remember right, because it's been a long time since I've done that study. Well, when he said supervolcano, it's growing intensity, mind you, like a supervolcano about to erupt.
It's going to destroy the plans worldwide, not just in one area. He says, this eruption will abruptly stop their great reset and the AI takeover of the human race. Their rituals or sacrifice are about to cease in a major way. Every, or all evil has tried to reign over my earth, but that evil is being overthrown by me, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Of course it is. God is always going to defeat the enemy. He's never going to get what he wants. Then he says China ties near government, Pentagon and Supreme Court are about to be exposed in a major way. Nothing will stop my hand from removing every criminal and every traitor. Your enemies are turning on each other more and more now to save themselves from a dreadful end.
Treason, I will continuously slay this world because you are about to find out who all committed such heinous treason against my nation and who has already been judged for it. There's people who are being judged right now. And there's people who have already been judged. He's talking about what's been going on with China and what's been going on in our government and how many people we, again, we have traitors and infiltrators in our nation.
He's been telling us this. We've had informants in our nation. We've had covert operations, good and bad, in our nation. And so he says, hey, everything that, every single thing they've done against you, I'm going to judge them. And the ones who have been judged, I'm going to expose that too. I'm going to show you who has been judged and who is going to be judged.
They talked about the silent war is about to be known to this world now the silent war go back to the prophecies that God's talked about it The silent war means a war that has been under the radar the war We didn't know about that has not been on in the open a great takedown has been going on behind the scenes to save this Great nation and the world from the hands of the globalists It's about time to show all of you what it's been going on and who has been taking out who has been taken out So people have already been taken out and then taking down and removed.
People have already been taken out, and some have been taken down and removed. Again, God has been doing a lot of things behind the scenes, He's been telling us that. Things are not how how they appear to be. He's been telling us we've been watching a movie, and we're about to see the credit scene. The credit scene shows all the names of all the people who took part in that movie.
This is what God is doing. He's going to show it all. Then he says, great shock will come across this land, knowing how dark, how evil your leaders have been for a long time. Well, that time is finished now, say the Lord. So again, God is in control. Then this is what you're supposed to be looking for. Marine One will be in the news for a significant reason.
Those who are not a part of our country, because I know people watch from all over the world. Thank you very much. But from, from all the nations around the world, if you don't know this Marine One, I'm sure you do. Marine one is the helicopter that the president flies on. So it's going to be in the news for a significant reason.
And then Alibaba, that's a, I have no idea what that is, but that's a name that he gave me. I said, okay, so Alibaba, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. And then this paragraph, now the Lord has been talking about this since January of 2022 or maybe even December of 2021, when he started talking about the removal of Biden and Kamala.
He's been talking about this. You can go to our website, check it out. Now all of a sudden you're starting to hearing people talking about this and that he's not going to make it to the 2024 election. The news is even talking about this. They're even talking about, you know, maybe Michelle or maybe Gavin.
God has been saying this for two years because again, God gives us news before the news. This paragraph says, Watch the next steps the left will take for removal of the Biden and Kamala. It will shock you how fast it could get rid of both of them. It will shock you how fast they could get rid of both of them because people think that, you know, they can't, just watch, they're going to pull out everything that's not in the constitution.
They'll figure something out. He said massive fighting has grown in the White House, great animosity for one another, which that's between Biden and Kamala and their staff. Because they were rebelling and wanting them both to be removed. A plot to remove them is about to be seen, so we're going to see this plot play out.
They have no more use for the Biden or Kamala. They know they have no chance of victory. They can't afford to lose this election in their control. Now again, you can even see that. Even their rigged polling, their horrible rigged polling, is even showing Trump like 10 points ahead in some states. He's just destroying him.
He's destroying Biden. They see it. Even their fake polls can't even hide. That Trump is winning by a landslide, and they know it. They are petrified, so they're gonna do everything they can to stop it. Unusual things will start to take place in the White House, and listen how the news media will begin to talk about it.
To control the masses from rebelling even more. So something unusual is going to take place in the white house and then people are going to start to rebel, even on their own side, even on the side of the left is going to start to rebel and get angry. You're even starting to see that with this pro Palestinian type of rebellion that's growing and they're they've been having, you know, protests and stuff against Biden.
There's infighting everywhere. He said, and then watch a mass exodus from the side of the left. A desire for freedom will grow in the hearts of Americans like never before. The awakening has started for a great uniting in this land. Oh, United States, I'm setting you totally free. Sayeth the Lord. God is setting us totally free and then he says apostasy this word will be in your news for a shocking reason Lime light this phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason Then he says my children you are about to see how fast how hard Giants can fall now.
These are the tech giants all these giants always globalists. He's saying how fast I can fall Look how fast Goliath fell by one 16 year old boy or teenage boy How fast he fell with one stone, he says then he says, and how fast leaders can be removed. This will be a wild ride. Remember who was in control.
Remember who wins in the end. God wins. And so do we. So rejoice. Don't cry. Shout in victory. Do not cower to fear. I am with you and nothing can stop my goodness from coming. I am the great deliverer and you will experience a great deliverance from all that has held you from where I want you to be. Sayeth the Lord, your redeemer.
So again, God has been showing us go get in scripture, go get in the presence of almighty God. Start reading things that he has for you. He will give you revelation of who he is and what you can expect for him to do. I say it all the time. Don't take my word for it. Get into the Bible because that is the word of God and that truth sets you free.
Okay, so I want to pray for each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now, I just want to pray over each and every one of them for strength and encouragement that you are doing something about what we're seeing. That you are in control, that you do win, and if you win, that we win. And I thank you, Father God, that you are giving them strength.
That they are realizing that they are overcomers. They're realizing that they are far above. They're realizing, Heavenly Father, that you live on the inside of them. Everything they need, I thank you that you are right now. Setting them free from all those shackles, all those chains, all the confinement, all the discouragement, all the fear, all the doubt, all the worry, all the oppression, all the heaviness, and everything else that the enemy has been using in his armory, in his arsenal against us.
We thank you that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, so we thank you, Father God, that you are bringing down the giants, and we're calling them down like the walls of Jericho, we're calling them down like Goliath. And I thank you father god that you are moving swiftly You are moving speedily And I thank you heavenly father that you are doing things that no man has ever seen and no eye has ever No eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard what you are about to do For each and every one of us and to save not only this nation But to save the nations around the world and we praise you and we thank you and we are rejoicing in the fact That you are delivering us from the hands of the wicked and we thank you father god for it in jesus name Amen.
And amen. So again, I hope you encourage you that encourage you today. Please get in the word of God, read it, read these scriptures that I had given out today because they were the ones that God wanted you to hear today. Okay. Cause he loves you. He wants to encourage you in the fact that he is on your side.
He dwells on the inside of you and your victory is guaranteed because of what Jesus has already done for you and I. So please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you.
I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
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