Bond Arms Tactical Lever Action Rifle Concept - SHOT Show 2024

1 year ago
624 - 24,200 Printable Gun Manuals, Schematics, Blueprints with Dimensions & Antique Guns & Ammo Catalogs + Searchable Guns & Ammo Tech Reference Guide + Gun Values Guide (like Blue Book)

Bond Arms Tactical Lever Action Rifle Concept - SHOT Show 2024

LVRB (Coming 2nd Quarter of 2024)

MSRP: $1,599.00 estimated

Caliber .223 Wylde (.223 Rem/ 5.56 NATO)
Future Calibers .300 Blackout, .450 Bushmaster, .350 Legend
Action Single, Lever Action
Overall Length approximately 39.5"
Barrel Length 16.0 - 16.25"
Weight approximately 6.4lbs w/o Magazine
Capacity 30-round Magazine Included

If you need to build gun part or part by part entire guns we have complete gun manuals and blueprints for you at:
Some of the manufacturers that presenting are: Anschutz, AMT, Arisaka, Arizmendi & Goenaga, Arizmendi Francisco, Arrizabalaga, Arsenal, Astra Arms, Astra-Unceta, B. Searcy, Barrett, Bayard, Becker & Hollander, Benelli, Benjamin, Beretta, Bergara, Bernardelli, Bersa, Blaser, Browning, Budischowsky, Bushmaster, Caracal, Carcano, CETME, Charles Daly, Chiappa, Clayco, Cobray, CZ, Darne, Dreyse, Drulov, DWM, Echasa, Eddystone, EMF, Enfield, Erma Werke, FEG, FIE, Fiocchi, FN, FNH, Glenfield, Glisenti, Glock, Grendel, Grulla, Guerini, Gustloff, H&K, H&R 1871, HAFDASA, Heckler & Koch, Henry, Heym, High Standard, Hi-Point, Holland, Hotchkiss, Howa, Huglu, Husqvarna, IMBEL, IMI, Ingram, Inland, Intratec, Irwindale Arms, Jarmann, Kahr, Kalashnikov, Kassnar, Kel-Tec, Kimber, Kongsberg, Korriphila, Korth, KRICO, Krieghoff , Krnka, Kropatschek, Lanber, Laurona, Lefaucheux, Lignose, Lithgow, Llama, Luger, LWRC, Madsen, Magnum Research, Manroy, Manufrance, Manurhin, Marocchi, Mauser, Maxim, Mendoza, Merkel, Merrill, Miroku, Mossberg, Musgrave, Nagant, Nambu, Norica, Norinco, Nosler, Orbea Hermanos, Ortgies, OWA, OWG, Parker, Perazzi, Pieper, Pietta, Providence Tool, Reck, Remington, Reunies, Rheinmetall, Oviedo, Numrich Arms, Oberland Arms, Ohio Ordnance Works, Nemesis Arms, Nesika, Neumann, New Haven, New Ultra Light, NightHawk Custom, Norconia, Nordenfelt Guns & Ammo Co., Nordic Components, Metro Arms Corporation, Meyers, MG Industries, Michigan Armament, Micor Defense, Midland Arms Company, Midland Rifle Company, MIL Inc., Milbro, Military Armament Corporation, Rock Island Armory, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Pistol Manufacturing, Rock River Arms, Roessler Waffen, Rogers & Spencer, Rohm RG, Rohrbaugh, Rollin White Arms, Ross, Ross Rifle, Rossi, Rottweil, Fazakerley, Royal Small Arms Factory, RSAF, RPA International, RPB Industries, Ruby, Gastelurrutia, Ruger, Rupertus Jacob, RWS, S.A.C.M., S.I.A.C.E., SIACE, S.P.S., SAB, Societa Armi Brescanie, Sabatti, Sabre, Saco, Safari Arms, Safety Harbor, Safran, SAG, Sage, SAGEM, Saiga, Sako, Santiago Salaberin, Sarasqueta, Sardius, Sarriugarte Francisco, Sarsilmaz, Savage Arms, Savage Revolving Firearms, Saxhoj, Saxonia, SCCY, Schall, Schimel, Schmeisser, Schuerman Arms, Schwarzlose, Scotti, Scotti-Isotta Fraschini, SDM,
Buttstock 870/Magpul
Safety Crossbolt and Grip

At Shot Show 2019, right before Covid, we were sitting around after the show and we started talking about, "If we built a Lever Action Long Gun", what cool features would we want to add? After discussing what things we liked about Lever Action guns, we started talking about how we could improve the features and performance. Most Lever Action guns have a very long lever throw, so we thought it would be cool to do a Short Lever Throw that would actually be smoother than the normal long throw. We also thought that it would be cool to utilize all the new technologies in play over the last 60 years with the AR market and make it a magazine fed system.

Little did we know that cycling a 5 round magazine was easy, but cycling a 30 round magazine with a lever gun was nearly impossible.

We spent over a year redesigning the lever system and actually came up with a very clever cam system that will aggressively extract a round out of a 30 round magazine with no problem and it allowed for a very short throw even with the longest rounds. It was so good, we did a patent pending on this and several other things we discovered going through this design process. Also, with all the interchangeable barrels we have with our current guns, we wanted to make it easily convertible to other calibers to add more cool factor.

As soon as you cycle the lever and pull the trigger, you know you have just felt the future of Lever Action guns.

You will find just as 1000's of others at Shot Show found, that this might just be the shortest, sweetest, crispest trigger, lever gun they have ever held.

When you get the chance to try one out, you'll be hooked.

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