The Great Commission Church - 20th Anniversary

1 year ago

On Sunday, January 21, 2024, The Great Commission Church Celebrated their 20th anniversary with a service and catered meal.

The Great Commission Church, a beacon of hope and transformative power, traces its roots to the visionary leadership of Pastor Allen White jr. The journey began with the establishment of Massive Impact Ministries, a compassionate initiative in collaboration with SONS Ministry and Life of Faith Church in Port Huron, Michigan.

Driven by a profound commitment to fulfil the Great Commission as outlined in Matthew 28: 18-19, The Great Commission Church emerged through prayer, godly counsel and an unwavering desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. At its core the church embodies a mission to reach the lost and provide solace to those grappling with social addiction problems.

The Great Commission Church was born on January 25, 2004, through Massive Impact Ministries and held its inaugural service, uniting a diverse congregation of 50 people. From that pivotal moment, the church has grown, flourished, and become a haven for individuals seeking spiritual guidance and community.

The Great Commission Church
2524 Vanness Street
Port Huron, MI. 48060

Leadership Team
Pastor Allen & Susan White
Pastor Gene & Barbara Watson
Associate Pastor Todd Lee
Minister Walt Hodges
Minister Jerry Nichols
Elders Johnny Fields & David Nichols

Deacons & Team Members
Deacon Ed Bland
Deacon Terry Henderson
Historian - Linda Wallisch
Prayer Team - Karla Lee
Youth Ministry - RJ Whitcomb
Bus Ministry - Jimmy Stewart
Sound Department - Mondale McClarty

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