Seth's Interview Through Jane Roberts using her Uniquely Powerful Psychological Bridge - Super8

10 months ago

Jane mind warps through the dimensions.
One can start with the first Seth-Book: Seth Speaks

The thUg-network have tried to mimic Seth, like Ramtha and others, but can't mimic the message. Instead, they give crap like "The Law of One" where Seth's books are twisted... much like the messages of Jesus were twisted over and over. If you read "Your Erroneous Zones" you will find the twisting of Seth's book "The Nature of Personal Reality" published only a year before. Yes, the thUg-network has attacked the Jane Roberts efforts to save humanity over and over. You see, Homo capensis wants to stop humanity's spiritual expansion, but they will fail, of course.

In the video where Jane Roberts gave classes to students interested in the esoteric. It should not come as a surprise that I could see it was the Rosicrucian and Eastern-Star Cult members that wanted to witness this phenomena. No Christian would dare enter the class where they are brainwashed to consider the bodiless Seth a possession by an evil spirit. The reason why the Cult members who typically ministered to the sheeple the bible was to keep them all locked into the religious facade. Cult members knew better so the class members were likely all cult back in the 1970's when this rare interview was arranged.

The Cult constantly tried to inject Mystery School idealism into the classes, but Jane was advised to keep that nonsense out of her head as to not infect her purity. Jane and Rob Butts were locked into the atheist/scientific world-view before Jane's unique psychological bridge created an auto-writing document about the nature of reality... totally not her chosen topics of personal study. They were not her ideas, but as a creative writer and poet she had a great ability to search for new ideas constantly and her mind was free from the dogmas of the esoteric teachings of the Mystery School Cult.

The teaching of Seth collided with the Cult teachings and since their duty is to mold society and monitor the sheep for their ancient masters, they began to poke at her and performed a barrage of Cult-theater attacks after Seth-Speaks was published

The theater was designed to debase Jane's beliefs of who she was writing her books for. To give her many crazy phone calls and class visitors and even a nymphomaniac lawyer invaded her home seeking help... coincidentally after she had a telephone interview about sexuality. This is just ways that the Cult plays with the unsworn portion of humanity.

The Cult already had the wireless brainchip by the late 1960's (according to Dr. Rauni Kilde, ex surgeon general of Finland ) at this time where I could only imagine the Cult desired to brainchip Jane to do their own study monitoring her thoughts.
One day, Jane described a very strange voice that mimicked her husband calling her name. She said it was very different than any of her other messages. A sure sign of the “voice of god” weapon that Dr. Robert Duncan exposed Duncan also exposed that the Cult could “heterodyne” the subject which means remote-control like a biorobot in his paper “The Matrix Deciphered” This hides within it the basis of the brainchipped zombies that the CDC made pages to warn the public about.

The zombie is make believe, but after all the zombie movies it is not hard to imagine the unsworn blasting a brainchipped bio-robot in the head believing that it is a zombie rather than a Cult controlled wireless bio-robot. Everyone knows what an undead zombie is, so by hiding technology, the Cult can get idiots to panic and blast a brainchipped bio-robot with the masons and Eastern Stars, higher mormons and Jws and the rest yelling “kill it, don't get infected!!” (just like a fake virus fear, take the nanobot vax, thus dividing the unsworn and conquer is next) while the wireless bio-robots do not attack any cult members... you see, they are electronically immune since they are Cult-sworn.

So, as you can see, when Jane wrote a chapter about the “Underground” in her “Psychic Politics” she had reasons to, she was under attack.

Jane, Rob and Seth were still able to keep the Cult from interfering with the Seth-Books due to the purity of her mind and the purity of the psychological bridge. If they were to have tried to write the books after 2000... they would have surely have been contaminated by the thUg-network’s advanced technologies.

I think at about the time of writing NPR (the nature of personal reality) Seth made the statement that for the past 50 years Western Civilization took a turn for the worse. This was when the Cult began jacking up their arranged wars and debt-based economy. Seth comment as to how appalled he was for the human situation. But look at the ancient monsters who guided the Mystery School Cult. Philip Schneider found two of them four miles deep living in an existing hive. They were the ancients who’s technology built the Giza Power Plant tower of Babel fortress, Khufu Pyramid. Once the slurry starter engine charged up the peak of the pyramid, then it ran on the hydrolysis of water in the crypt separated by the grotto to have a "fire within", the catalysts burnt the oxygen and hydrogen resulting in sound, then the King's Chamber converted vibration into electricity to energize the A.I. supercomputer on top... It is the broken tower of babel one could say that you will find in every tarot deck. They don't teach this stuff in public school, you have to use critical thinking, but where does one find that? Now-a-days, the rebuilt tower is the entire microwave-tower prison-grid. The things the Cult does not teach students lost in universities... hey? If they wont educate you with the truth, just lies, then you have to educate yourself or remain profane.

So don’t wait too long to order your Stack of Seth-Book series from Rick at the Seth Center... they give book deals I heard. Listening to the books is nothing like reading them with your own eyes eyes at your own pace on real paper. The idea be hind electronic libraries is that at the flick of a switch a book ban is instant. Velikovski’s “Worlds in Collision” was publicly burned by the Cult in America because it exposed their religion to soon.

Tim Hart has a channel on Youtube where he has read every book. The books are meant to be read in sequence because Seth wrote at multi levels for beginners to the advanced... lots of hidden realizations that come out after the first reading or studying.

Start with Seth-Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
2. The Nature of Personal Reality
3. The Unknown Reality
The above books were for everyone. The next two were also and mostly geared for the humans who live their live following the Cult motto “EXITUS ACTA PROBAT” which was written on the Washington Arch (similar style to the arch of Titus) which means “the outcome justifies the deed”.

You see, a Cult thUg could have a clear line of sight from under that arch to the 9/11 demolition of the WTC. I guess the land was all bought up between the two so no buildings would be built to block that view before they fell.

As much as Seth said “you create your own reality” he also said “the ends never justifies the means.” New Atlantis as described here in William Cooper’s Radio Show (skip to 9:24) over that last hundred years has been severely turned into thUgtopia. The Cult thUgs even murdered their own high priest who worked at developing intuitions and inner senses instead of a thUgtopia The Cult declared him a “Living Monument” the problem was, he kept living. My dad was an ostracized mason likely for not following orders, they apparently murdered him too.

The next Seth-Book of the Series starts out for everyone, By Chapter four, many suggestions were directed to the Cult to help them out of the spiritual hole they slipped into as the thUgs rise their fiery phoenix... again.
4. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

In the next book
5. Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment
Seth directs warnings to the Cult following the Cult motto: “EXITUS ACTA PROBAT” such a collective conduct will inevitably fail. This conduct has been in full swing for the last hundred years.
Not that a mightier God will come and crumble the Tower-Of-Babel again and again, but that a civilization with lost value fulfillment is going to use Nature or whatever to help it resets if it find themselves all boxed-in with technology and you will not be able to stop it. All-That-Is is in everything.

Gain a bit of life experience and then read the entire series again. That's how these Seth-books work best for students.

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