Episode 1833: Who humbles himself shall be exalted

3 months ago

"And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."
How do we take these words of Christ and then Make a serious Lenten Now!
Using Matthew 23:12 in the context of creating a serious Lenten plan involves incorporating the teachings of humility and self-reflection into your spiritual practices.
Here are some steps you can consider:
Reflection on Humility:
Begin by reflecting on the meaning of humility as emphasized in the scripture. Recognize the need to humble yourself before God and others.
Reflection on humility is a fundamental aspect of spiritual growth during the Lenten season. Here are some additional insights and practical steps to guide your reflection:

Understanding Humility:
Begin by contemplating what humility truly means. Humility involves recognizing our dependence on God, acknowledging our limitations, and understanding that all our talents and blessings come from Him.
Prayer for Humility:
Dedicate specific prayer time to ask God for the grace of humility. Seek His guidance in understanding and embracing a humble heart. Use prayers such as the Litany of Humility to express your intentions.
Examination of Pride:
Reflect on instances where pride may have played a role in your thoughts, words, or actions. Identify areas where ego or self-centeredness have hindered your relationship with God and others.
Gratitude for Gifts:
Express gratitude for the gifts and talents you have been given, recognizing that they are God-given. Use these gifts for the service of others rather than for self-promotion or personal gain.
Recognition of Weakness:
Acknowledge your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Understand that imperfection is a part of the human condition and an opportunity for God's grace to work in and through you.
Learning from Jesus' Example:
Meditate on the life of Jesus Christ as the ultimate example of humility. Consider how Jesus, though being the Son of God, humbled Himself, even to the point of death on the cross (Philippians 2:5-8).
Seeking Feedback:
Humbly seek feedback from trusted friends, family members, or spiritual mentors. Ask for their insights on areas where you might need to grow in humility and be open to constructive criticism.
Letting Go of Control:
Reflect on areas of your life where you may be striving for control or seeking recognition. Surrender these aspects to God, trusting in His plan and acknowledging that His ways are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Choosing Servanthood:
Contemplate the idea of servanthood as exemplified by Jesus. Consider ways in which you can serve others selflessly, putting their needs above your own.
Daily Examination:
Integrate a daily examination of conscience into your routine. Reflect on your thoughts, words, and actions each day, examining how they align with the virtues of humility and selflessness.
Remember that humility is not about self-deprecation but rather an honest acknowledgment of our place before God and a willingness to live in accordance with His will. Through reflection, prayer, and intentional actions, you can cultivate a humble heart and foster spiritual growth during the Lenten season and beyond.
Examination of Conscience:
Engage in a thorough examination of conscience. Identify areas in your life where pride or self-centeredness may be present. Consider both actions and attitudes that may need improvement.
Attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) to confess your sins and seek God's forgiveness. This sacrament is an essential part of spiritual preparation during Lent.
Fasting and Abstinence:
Embrace traditional Lenten practices such as fasting and abstinence. Consider giving up certain luxuries or habits that may lead to personal growth and increased reliance on God.
Focus on almsgiving by generously contributing to charity and helping those in need. This can be both a financial and spiritual sacrifice, aligning with the call to care for others.
Intensify your prayer life during Lent. Incorporate the Scripture into your daily prayers and meditate on its meaning. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit to help you grow in humility.
Acts of Service:
Engage in acts of service to others. Volunteer your time and talents for the benefit of your community, parish, or those less fortunate.

Spiritual Reading:
Read spiritual literature, especially works that focus on humility, repentance, and personal transformation. Traditional Catholic writings can provide valuable insights.
Liturgy and Mass Attendance:
Attend Mass regularly, especially during the Lenten season. Participate in liturgical practices and sacraments to deepen your connection with the Church and your spiritual journey.
Personal Retreat:
Consider setting aside time for a personal retreat during Lent. This can be a period of silence, prayer, and reflection to deepen your relationship with God and discern His will for your life.
Remember that the Lenten season is a time of spiritual renewal and preparation for Easter. Using Matthew 23:12 as a guide, focus on genuine humility, repentance, and drawing closer to God in all aspects of your Lenten journey.
Now go out there and convert someone to making a great Lent. Now lets listen to the good father on making a good lent plan now!

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