What is Required for an Intensive Care Unit at Home?

4 months ago


What is Required for an Intensive Care Unit at Home?

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In last week’s blog, I answered another question from one of our readers where the reader asked

How to get evidence based care and treatment at home for long-term ventilated patients with tracheostomy and other medically complex patients!

In this week’s blog I want to answer another question we get quite frequently

What is required for an intensive care unit at home?

This is a very straight forward and great question we get quite frequently and I want to answer it succinctly to keep it short and get to the point.

- A client and a family ready and willing to go home instead of unnecessarily spending many weeks, months or even years in ICU/PICU

- A team of experienced ICU/PICU nurses with a minimum of two years ICU/PICU experience and a postgraduate qualification in critical care (our average number of years of ICU/PICU experience is 8-10 years and we employ hundreds of years ICU/PICU experience combined in our business)

- Equipment that enables intensive care at home such as ventilators, spare tracheostomies, ventilation circuits, suction machines, monitors, suction catheters, resuscitation bag, humidifier, nebulising machine, cough assist, machine, face masks, Guedel airways, nasopharyngeal airways, tracheostomy dressings, dilators etc… in essence all the equipment that is needed in ICU just now it being used at home.

- A 3rd party accredited intensive care at home nursing service. Providing an intensive care substitution service at home is a task that can be achieved with the right support structure and with the right policies and procedures. Applying intensive care in a home care setting is only save if it is provided by evidence based and 3rd party accredited care just like in a hospital. You wouldn’t want the baggage handler flying an airplane instead of the pilot or would you? It’s the same with intensive care at home. If you don’t have the quality systems that enable ICU/PICU nurses to do their jobs safely it’s like flying an airplane without a pilot.

As of June 2020 intensive care at home is the only nursing service in Australia that has built and developed a 3rd party accredited quality system for intensive care at home nursing services. Therefore we have built substantial intellectual property that enables us to keep our clients safe even though they need intensive care...

Continue reading at: https://intensivecareathome.com/what-is-required-for-an-intensive-care-unit-at-home/

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