Putin talks about his mum Maria, who survived WW2

4 months ago

27 January 1944 - 80 years since the Soviet forces broke the Leningrad blockade.

Putin talks about his mum Maria, who survived, but 800,000 civilians were starved to death by the Nazis.

Another 600,000 soldiers died in the defence of the city. Maria lost her 3-year-old son Viktor (Putin's older brother).


A great little video. Russia has always been a target of the cabal, why? because it's Christian and the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church is drenched in satanism and evil. The Khazarians and Jesuits have worked together, protected by the Freemasons who themselves worship Lucifer.

The zionist Bolsheviks were working with the Rothschilds of the City of London, it's not a coincidence that the Balfour Declaration was written, and the Bolshevik offence began in 1917. The Balfour Declaration was making the way for the result of the next world war, WW2 and the creation of the zionist state of Israel, which in turn would lead to WW3 and the installation of the anti-christ in the third temple of solomon.

It was the Bolsheviks that were the Red Army, not Russia. When the Bolsheviks forced communism onto Russia it brought with it genocide and famine....take a look at what's happening to western countries today. During WW2 Russia was the Bolshevik lead "Red Army", but after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 the "commie" and "red army" labels stuck to the liberated Russia, this was western zionist propaganda. The plan since the end of WW2 when the zionist nazis lost the war was to regroup and create the Fourth Reich (Fourth Industrial Revolution being a smokescreen) aka the New World Order. The Bolsheviks with their Kulags, the Nazis with their concentration camps, and the deep-state with their FEMA camps....same scumbags who are into pedophilia, cannibalism, satanism, zionist, bolshevism, nazism....it's all the same sick Talmudic Rabbinic Judaism. This is why the nazis were saved at Nuremberg in Operation Paperclip where 1600 were imported into the UNITED STATES CROWN CORPORATION, and 2000+ into Canada. We are literally in WW3, a war to end all wars, a war between God and Satan, Light vs Dark, Good vs Evil.

Choose your side wisely

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