Purpose Of Your Life Is To Fulfill Your God-Given Spiritual Blueprint (Sethbook)

1 year ago

Your Creator-God(AllThatIs) has a blueprint outline for your life's purpose, yet you are given the free-will to pick your own chosen path through infinite possibilities. What you find yourself to be with your personal world-view is the result of your chosen beliefs, desires and choices.
You are a multidimensional soul-fragment becoming whatever your heart desires, within the constraints.
Within this time-line out of infinite others... you are now within a trap to extinct your species and you are challenged to understand your current situation. You are either a Mystery School minion sworn to serve a new, AI fake-god (controlled by Homo capensis, the ancient mankind in hiding) or you are not cUlt-sworn, not desiring a NWO, fake Utopia.
AI is the Luciferians' immaculate child. They trick Christian not to see their figurative interpretation of their Bibles. Christians are the main resistor to being implanted with "the mark." I noticed now that processed foods and drinks are laced with magnetic nano-particles which will allow Luciferian energy weapons to render anyone unconscious for a covert brainchip implanting, but that is not the end of the world for them because the Creator-God will keep them alive to still fight against the AI mind intrusions. Loving Christians resisting the NWO AI will still be spiritually growing while murderous Luciferians are spiritually decaying themselves into a spiritual-box for eternity.

Why would a loving Creator-God put you into such a designed world?

You are challenged to lovingly expand your spiritual soul-fragment.
Soul-fragments are given free-will to become what they are, to show their true-colors.
Unloving acts of murder collapses each soul-fragment's multidimensional universe.
All the unloving, murderous and genocidal thUgs have been basically brought into a collective where they destroy their soul-fragments due to internal spiritual unworthiness. These are sorry things who even laugh when they see others get hurt. The Creator-God has designed the universe so that unworthy souls simply destroy themselves. In the afterlife, those shriveled souls can only survive in a spiritual-box to keep them safe. They will get to remain in their monolith similar to the movie "Space Odyssey."

Loving soul-fragments have expanded through-out their physical life and may likely continue expanding in the afterlife.

The soul is eternal. Murderous-thUgs have chosen an eternal-box to exist in. Worthy souls seek an uncontained-eternity of spiritual-expansion.

The Luciferian reward is fake... AI cannot contain any soul, ever. The devils lied to their Luciferian servants. So sad.

Read first: Seth Speaks: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dM5SFJYT02Lk/
Read Second: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xEXPy2UpltYd/ (Chapter 19 Develop Your Inner Senses)
Read third: The Nature of Personal Reality: https://www.bitchute.com/video/agRUp2Av8A6U/
Read 4th: The Unknown Reaity: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RFdrgwNuv955/

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