1 Hour Ago: Taylor Swift & Ryan Reynolds Match Made In HELL 2020 Marriage to satan Superbowl 58 Sign

1 year ago

#2024 #2024elections #2024election
🔥🔴💀COUNTDOWN TO THE SUPERBOWL EVENT!!!💀 Taylor Swift's Re-Recorded Love Story Featured In Ryan Reynolds’ Hilarious Match Made In Hell Commercial - Watch! Travis Kelce SPOTTED With Engagement RING For Taylor Swift - Proof Travis Kelce's Mom Donna Is Welcoming Taylor Swift Into the Family Cheer Squad - Travis Kelce's mom Donna Kelce gifted Taylor Swift an "87" ring that the singer wore while they watched the Kansas City Chiefs advance to the Super Bowl.

After matching on the dating site, Satan and a woman named 2020 meet up (he looks just like his picture!) and go on various dates at empty gyms and movie theaters — all while the re-recorded version of Taylor Swift‘s mega-hit Love Story plays. (Tay revealed on Twitter that she let Reynolds use the new version of the song as she rerecords her masters!)



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💖.....HEAVEN OR 🔥💀HELL💀🔥 IS A CHOICE.......WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE?.........❤️ROMANS 13:11-14.....❤️...THEN ROMANS 10:9-13...❤️...BECAUSE JOHN 3:3-21..❤️...1ST JOHN 1:9...❤️....REPENT & LIVE…...Jesus Christ is our GOD

Danger Will Robinson!

💖❤️❤️JESUS IS COMING BACK!!!!!!❤️❤️💖

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