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Planetary Gongs

1 year ago

Introducing "Planetary Gongs," a captivating and enchanting lyrical poem crafted by the talented Sound Alchemist, Julie Jewels Smoot. This mesmerizing piece takes listeners on a celestial journey, immersing them in the ethereal sounds of gongs that resonate with the energy of the planets.

With her poetic prowess, Julie Jewels Smoot weaves together words that evoke a sense of wonder and harmony, inviting listeners to explore the cosmic vibrations of the universe. The rhythmic cadence of the poem mirrors the celestial dance of the planets, creating a symphony of sound that captivates the senses.

"Planetary Gongs" is not just a poem; it is an experience that transports you to a realm where music and poetry intertwine. Immerse yourself in the celestial melodies and let the gongs guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner peace.

#PlanetaryGongs #Writetoheal #lyricalpoetry #breath #selflove #selfhealing #healing #guidedmeditation #mindfulness #peace #relaxation #harmony #HeartGong #JupiterGong #ChironGong #SiderealMoonGong #NeptuneGong #VenusGong #GongSoundHealingImmersion #mindfulness #SoundAlchemistJulieJewelsSmoot #JourneyintotheSacred #SoundAlchemy:AWarriorsPath #GodessFrequencies


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