Synthetic Milk Is Not Milk + Measles Outbreak Breakdown

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As modern technology’s rapid development broadens its claw-like grip on society, it is inevitable that the food industry would be impacted. Lab-grown foodstuffs begin looking more and more like a franken-version of the homegrown, organic products, once familiar to our ancestors. But sometimes they appear innocent and organic, stealthy and obscure as to their true nature. Alan Lewis, Dr. John Fagan and Alexis-Baden Mayer join together to share an important warning for consumers, everywhere.


Measles is in the news again, but is it a serious concern or a media fear tactic? Host Paul Thomas and Dr. Larry Palevsky discuss measles and MMR risk through a pediatric lens and give parents and guardians practical tips for safely navigating an outbreak and making decisions that are best for their child.

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