Astrological Allignments of Mars Cydonia Face Lines Up With Equinox 500,000 Years Ago 2-2-2024

1 year ago

Astrological Allignments of Mars Cydonia
Face Lines Up With Equinox 500,000 Years Ago 2-2-2024
Mars Face Speaking: Message from another World/War in Heaven/Mythology of Horus
February 2- 2024
Library of the Untold
There are monuments on Mars that represent the same celebration of Solstice that we have here on Earth. The geometry of these stone works holds a message, hidden in plain sight. Although this message might be a warning from a planet long extinct from war, the company we pay to investigate these things (NASA) has downright refused to investigate this area called Cydonia and instead focus on the baron regions of Mars instead. This has been found to be a cover up, and a sloppy rushed one at that. So, it is up to us to do the Math that works as a universal language between us and an entirely different planet.
After all, these monuments are a plain disclosure of life, even if former, on other worlds. (No wonder the cover up.) We have been building monuments to the rising solstice sun on Earth for a long time and can look at Mythology for answers. A main key resides in the story of Horus of the Horizon, the falcon of Egypt, who might represent the Heros Journey between worlds and the reasons for doing so.
-Ancient Monuments on Earth -Geometry of Cydonia, Mars
-A War in Heaven
-Bad NASA Cover ups and Lies
-The Mythology of Mars and War
-Traces of Nuclear War on Mars
-The Face is Looking to US and looks LIKE us
-A Dire Warning -Horus as Heru or the Face on the Horizon
-Giza and Cairo
-Göbekli Tepe and the Vulture Stone/Pillar 43
-Zecharia Sitchin and the Anunnaki -Nommos of the Dogon Lore
-Oannes and the Teaching of Primitive Man -Answers from Mythology where Modern Science Fails us -Mars as a Sterile Laboratory
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