Return of the Christed Inner-Child

8 months ago

This message was received as a download for EldoRa on her birthday night in her dream-state, and we were guided to share a few tools for the collective.

In this video, we share the inner-child healing that surfaced for us a few days ago this. The Consciousness of the human Collective is going through a major transformational healing of its 'Inner Child' right now. We are healing the deepest core wounds that we carry from our childhood which includes the belief that 'We are not loved' and that 'Earth is not a safe place'.

These are ancient wounds that are ingrained in the deepest recesses of our soul that are rooted in our original separation from unity consciousness. The deep pain of separation that we felt as a soul when we split apart from cosmic unity, was so immense that we have been replaying the trauma of these wounds in all of our lifetimes.

For the first time in our history we are reaching a level of consciousness where we have the tools and the self awareness needed to create a healing environment that allows us to address these wounds and integrate all fragmented aspects of our inner child back into oneness with our being.

We share at the end of the video a powerful Inner Child healing technique, that if applied with love, patience and persistence can a create profound impact in your life and drastically improve your relationship with yourself and with your loved ones.

With Love,
Eldora and Siman

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#christconsciousnessreturning #innerchild #ascendedearth

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